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Two Railway Houses (fmr) & Trees


National Trust of Western Australia

Place Number

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105-107 Woodward St Coolgardie

Location Details

House and Two Pepper Trees (105 Woodward Street) House and Moreton Bay Fig Tree (107 Woodward Street)

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

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Category Description
Classified by the National Trust Classified 27 Oct 1976

Heritage Council
Register of the National Estate Registered 21 Oct 1980

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

The group demonstrates a particular style of building, one of substance and permanence compared to the buildings of timber framed CGI clad housing in the town and forms part of the Railway establishment of Coolgardie.

Physical Description

The two houses were built to house railway employees. They are simple rectangular stone buildings with gables corrugated iron roofs. They have three rooms, plus lean-to weatherboard and asbestos additions at the back. There are two large pepper trees in front of the houses and a very large Moreton Bay fig at the back. The houses are in good condition (1976), although some of the stonework has been painted.


Assessment: 1976
Two houses of an original group of three railway houses

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use Transport\Communications Rail: Housing or Quarters

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall STONE Local Stone
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron

Historic Themes

General Specific
DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY Workers {incl. Aboriginal, convict}

Creation Date

30 May 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

02 May 2022


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.