Supreme Court Buildings and Gardens, Old Court House, Stirling Gardens


City of Perth

Place Number



2, 4 & 33 Barrack St Perth

Location Details

Barrack Street, Perth between Stirling & Supreme Court Gardens

Other Name(s)

Washington Palm Trees, The Supreme Court Buil

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 20 Dec 1985
State Register Registered 14 Feb 2003 HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument, HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Aboriginal Heritage Sites Register Permanent
Classified by the National Trust Classified 06 Feb 1978
Survey of 20th Ctry Architecture Completed 01 Mar 1988
Perth Draft Inventory 99-01 YES 31 Dec 1999
Register of the National Estate Permanent 21 Oct 1980
Municipal Inventory Adopted 13 Mar 2001 Category 1

Child Places

  • 01949 Orchestral Shell
  • 27076 Stirling Gardens
  • 27501 Supreme Court Building
  • 01948 Old Court House
  • 27500 Supreme Court Gardens
  • 27076 Stirling Gardens
  • 13057 International Order of Good Templars War Memorial, Supreme Court Gdns

Statement of Significance

The place is of significance because for its historical role in horticultural development of the Colony in the 19th Century, first used as acclimatisation garden in 1830's, designated Botanic Garden 1845. Important role in social and recreational life of community throughout its history; the oldest public garden in W.A; of value for its aesthetic quality and predominant, and enhancement by its setting, part of a system of city gardens. It is associated with leading figures in the history of the State; enjoys great popularity; provides a higher standard of amenity and has tourist value.

Physical Description

A large grassed park with perimeter planting of mature trees in the Paradise Garden style. Located within the gardens is a two storey building of large proportions with battlement parapet and an 'impressive Lonic Portico' distinguished by The Royal Crest on the pediment featuring the lion and the unicorn.


High level of integrity as the building is still used for its original purpose and Supreme Court Gardens remains a public garden. High level of authenticity as the building is originally constructed with detail intact.



State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
176 The Old Courthouse Perth: Conservation Plan Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1992
3678 Supreme Court and Gardens-Conservation Plan Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1998
5006 Technical clauses : IT cabling upgrades for various courts. Report 2001
6379 High hopes. Book 2003
7280 May it please your honour : a history of the Supreme Court of Western Australia from 1861 - 2005. Book 2005
8911 The botanic gardens of Western Australia. Journal article 2006
897 Assessment of significant fabric Supreme Court Perth WA Report 1995
3779 Perth Supreme Court : conservation management plan (draft). Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1989
7500 Seats of justice : courthouses as places of history. Journal article 1994
35 Francis Burt law education centre Report 1994
6799 Supreme Court Building, Perth: basement remediation. Heritage Study {Other} 2003
8830 Supreme Court and gardens Perth, Western Australia. Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 2007
7814 A fairer Athens and a freer Rome: historic public gardens in Perth, WA. Journal article 1982
7080 Supreme Court of Western Australia custodial centre refurbishment : heritage impact statement. Heritage Study {Other} 2004
4105 Stirling Gardens Perth: Conservation Plan Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1997
7811 St George's Cathedral vision & Perth establishment precinct. C D Rom 2005
1363 Conservation Plan for the Supreme Court Precinct Perth Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1993
5880 Supreme Court of Western Australia : concept design proposals. Report 1993
11919 Statement of significance of the Old Courthouse Law Museum, Perth Heritage Study {Other} 2019
8480 Supreme Court Buildings and Gardens, Old Court House, Stirling Gardens Northwest Lightwell (Junction of 1903 and 1959 building). Photographic archival record. Archival Record 2007

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use GOVERNMENTAL Office or Administration Bldg
Original Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve
Original Use GOVERNMENTAL Office or Administration Bldg
Present Use GOVERNMENTAL Courthouse
Original Use GOVERNMENTAL Courthouse

Architectural Styles

Federation Academic Classical
Other Style

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Other METAL Wrought Iron
Other STONE Other Stone
Wall BRICK Common Brick
Roof TIMBER Shingle
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Sport, recreation & entertainment
PEOPLE Early settlers

Creation Date

30 May 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

12 Oct 2021


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.