Pindar Garage Buildings


City of Greater Geraldton

Place Number



1-3 Sharpe St Pindar

Location Details

North side of Short Street, facing railway. Alternative address: Cnr Sharpe & Adams Strtd

Other Name(s)

Stoner & Wright

Local Government

Greater Geraldton



Construction Date

Constructed from 1926

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 15 Dec 2015
State Register Registered 21 Apr 2006 HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument, HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 24 Jun 2014 Category 1

Child Places

  • 25466 Pindar Garage Residence
  • 25466 Pindar Garage Residence

Statement of Significance

The Pindar Garage building illustrates the development of a large motor vehicle haulage business from 1926 in ruralWestem Australia, being one of the earliest sizable truck haulage businesses in the region in the InterWar period. The place is an example of technical innovation in its curved roof design which is evident in a number of Murchison buildings of the same era. The building, with its curved roof, CGI cladding and collection of machinery has strong aesthetic appeal and is rare remaining evidence of the past built fabric of Pindar.

Physical Description

Located at the western entrance into Pindar and fronting the north side of Sharpe Street, the Pindar Garage is of timber framed construction and clad with corrugated iron sheeting. The central portion running north-south has a high curved roof with low pitched skiIlion roofs on either side. At both ends is a pair of ledge and braced doors. The front (south) facade also features two small paned timber windows and a ledge, braced and boarded door which leads into the fmr office on the eastem side of the garage. There are outbuildings to the rear and an associated residence to the east. (Refer to the HCWA RHP Documentation for a detailed description of the building)


On 22 February 1901, the townsite of Pindar was gazetted comprising 32 lots. In the Inter-War period camel teams in the Murchison were gradually replaced with motor vehicles. In c1923, recognising the increasing use of motorized transport and the opportunity to establish a contract haulage business based in Pindar to compete with the camel teams, Harold James 'Jim' Wright and George Edward Stoner formed a partnership and commenced trading as Stoner & Wright, Motor Engineers and Haulage Contractors. It is believed that the Garage Building and adjacent residence were constructed in the mid 1920s. With its distinctive curved roof which was replicated elsewhere on Murchison pastoral stations, it is believed to have been built by Alf Couch who was responsible for much of their construction (eg Roderick and Woolleen Shearing Sheds etc). The curved roof was made on the ground and then jacked into position. Stoner and Wright expanded their haulage business over the years with the purchase of additional vehicles etc. In c1939 the partnership of Stoner and Wright was dissolved with Stoner moving to Mullewa where he commenced a cartage business while Harold Wright continued with the ownership of the Pindar Garage until 1969. At this time the property was sold to Ray and Allen Field, local fanners, who took over the buildings, machinery and equipment. The brothers operated a contracting business and continued to make use of the Garage building for servicing and maintaining their vehicles. Since the Fields sold their farm in 1990, the Garage has mostly been used for storage purposes. (Refer to the HCWA RHP Documentation for a detailed history of the building)


Original Fabric: Largely Intact



State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
7024 Images CD No. 28 : assessment images : Jutland Parade Group, Pindar Garage, Presentation Convent, Mullewa Railway Station Group, Rockingham Infant Health Group. C D Rom 2004

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use COMMERCIAL Other
Original Use Transport\Communications Road: Other

Architectural Styles

Federation Bungalow

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall METAL Corrugated Iron
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron

Historic Themes

General Specific
TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Technology & technological change
PEOPLE Innovators

Creation Date

01 Feb 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

18 Mar 2021


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