Tjuitgellong / Lake Seppings


City of Albany

Place Number



Lake Seppings Drive Seppings

Location Details

Lake Seppings (R1299 R22058 R29167 R23775) Lake Seppings Drive Seppings

Other Name(s)

Lake Seppings Nature Reserve

Local Government



Great Southern

Construction Date

Constructed from 1827

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 27 Oct 2020

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Local Heritage Survey Adopted 27 Oct 2020 Exceptional

Statement of Significance

Tjuirtgellong/Lake Seppings has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons: The lake is highly valued by the local Menang people, named Tjuirtgellong which means "The place of the long-necked tortoise" which still remain very prolific in the lake, and also the Dreamtime connection of the lake as the footprint of Tjuirt (Djrat) – or the place where he walked - who created the South Western Coast of Australia. The lake contains an important population of bird species, particularly water birds. Its significance as an important lake was recognised from the earliest days of British colonisation, having been giving its Anglicized name by Major Edmund Lockyer after his own cousins. The reserve and lake are highly valued by the local community and visitors for its beauty and significant flora and fauna and as a place for birdwatching and passive recreation.

Physical Description

The lake is situated in the Tjuitgellong/Lake Seppings nature reserve that has a total area of 17.1 hectares Some of the notable features of this place include: • The lake is named Tjuitgellong by local Menang peoples which means "The place of the long-necked tortoise" which still remain very prolific in the lake. Other meanings also include the place where Tjuirt (djarat) walked or his footprint (the lake being like the shape of a foot). • Bird watching, especially water-birds, with over 100 different species of birds recorded within the reserve. • Natural flora and fauna Some modifications of this place include: • Construction of boardwalks, pathways, bird hides • Modifications to plantings


Tjuitgellong is a freshwater lake. However, at one time, many thousands of years ago, the water level of the lake was a lot lower and even joined Miaritch/Oyster Harbour to the ocean at Binalup/Middleton Beach. This would explain why when the French visited the area in the early 1800s, the water in the lake was said to be salty to the taste. One meaning of the Menang name for the lake, Tjuirtgellong, is "The place of the long-necked tortoise" which still remain very prolific in the lake. Each year they cross the main Golf links road to breed and lay their eggs in the Golf Course. The local Menang people also believe the lake is the footprint of Tjuirt (djarat) who in their Dreamtime created the South Western Coast of Australia. The lake was named Lake Seppings by Major Edmund Lockyer in 1827 to honour his cousins, Sir Robert and John Milligen Seppings and appears on the earliest townsite maps. In 1888, the Albany Council applied for the reservation of land from the shore of Tjuitgellong/Lake Seppings for the purpose of a botanical garden. The final reservation included 185 acres for the botanic garden and 65 acres for public utility. In 1900 both reserves were amended and set apart for park lands and when amalgamated the following year were gazetted as a Park comprising 255 acres. The reserve was named Albany Park and was placed in the charge of the Albany Park Board. A beautification program around the perimeter of the lake was commenced to turn it into a pleasure resort. However, possibly owing to lack of government funding, the program did not progress very far and by the 1920s/30s whatever had been done had overgrown and the area was described as surrounded by scrub and reeds. Since the 19th century and into the middle of the 20th century (particularly during the 1930s by the Albany Tunny and Angling Club and the W.A. Fish and Game Society), the lake was stocked with eels and trout and other fish for the purposes of recreational fishing/angling. By 1970 the reserve was in a poor state and undervalued having become not much more than a rubbish tip. The Department of Fisheries and Fauna recommended it become a waterfowl reserve and the Albany Council investigated discharging sewage into it. In 1981 the Apex Club started work on improvements to the reserve including constructing a board walk which was completed by 2004. Today Tjuitgellong/Lake Seppings is highly regarded for its flora and fauna. It has a rich variety of vegetation and is surrounded by a mixture of bullrushes, and reeds. The trees are a mixture of Myrtaceae: West Australian Peppermint trees, Spearwoods, Paperbarks, Native Willows and Wattles, as well as Banksias. Compacted gravel footpaths, wooden walkways are provided for visitors. It is particularly well known as a place for bird watching, especially water-birds, with over 100 different species of birds recorded. A wooden bird watching platform has been built along the western side of the lake.


Integrity: High/Moderate Authenticity: Moderate




Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Schedule of Places of Heritage Value, Appendix VIII, City of Albany TPS 1A City of Albany 30 December 1983

Place Type

Large Conservation Region


Epoch General Specific
Other Use SCIENTIFIC Other
Present Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve
Original Use OTHER Other
Original Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve

Historic Themes

General Specific
DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY Resource exploitation & depletion
DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY Land allocation & subdivision

Creation Date

29 Jun 2021

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Sep 2023


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