Blue Waters - House


City of South Perth

Place Number



426 Canning Hwy Como

Location Details

Local Government

South Perth



Construction Date

Constructed from 1952 to 1953

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 14 Nov 2000

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
(no listings)

Statement of Significance

• The place has aesthetic value as an intact and rare late example of a two story brick residence in the Inter War Functionalist style. Internal details that remain from the original construction are likely to reflect this style. • The place has aesthetic value as a landmark on this raised site on Canning Highway since the early 1950s. • The place has historic value for its association with the exuberant period following World War Two when new ideas in design were embraced. • The place has historic value for its association with prominent citizens Keith and Mabel Perron who were well known in business and social circles in Perth. • The place has social value as a demonstration of the type of home built for wealthy members of the community and their families in the Post World War Two period.

Physical Description

426 Canning Highway - ‘Blue Waters’ is situated on Canning Highway set back some distance from the road in a slightly elevated position demonstrating elements of the Art Deco style incorporating simple geometric shapes and asymmetrical massing. The house is of two storey construction with a dominant curved two storey bay incorporating continuous curved windows across the full extent of the curve. The main portion of the house is of single storey construction with a single garage under the house. An extensive balcony leading off from the curved upper storey provides views of the river.


This residence was constructed in 1952/3 for prominent local businessman Lionel Keith Perron (1918-1997) and his wife Mabel Ruth Perron, (1921-2013) nee McLean who married in 1951. The couple were inspired by a magazine illustration of a Florida Art Deco house design. It is understood that a local designer was engaged to prepare the designs however the architect or designer of the place have not been conclusively determined. Previous research has identified Designers R.M. Neal and Allan as the designers of the place but this has not been confirmed. Advertising in the local press during this period records R.M. Neal as a house designer homes in Perth. Work towards construction of the 1930s design was delayed, owing to the shortage of building materials during and after the War. The house plans were approved by South Perth Council in 1951, but construction did not occur until a year or two later. Due to the design of ‘Blue Waters’ involving a greater quantity of bricks and glass than the ration system permitted, Keith Perron decided to establish a brickworks from which to source the required quantity of bricks. The curved glass windows and frames could not be manufactured locally and were shipped from the U.K. On completion the house featured in the local press where it was stated the name 'Blue Waters' was taken from the view. A brief description of the house was as follows; Pale pastel-blue walls and deep blue curtains tone with the rive scene. Upstairs, immediately over the drawing room, the centre of interest is a huge rumpus-room which opens out on to loggias. But the room to linger in is the bathroom. It is in rose pink with contrasting black, glossy tiles and "postage-stamp" beige tiles on the floor. The pink appointments were ordered in the Eastern States and imported from abroad. In May 1956, Council approval was given for the erection of a garage adjoining the rear of the house, abutting the southern boundary of the site. Access to this garage would have been via the rear right-of-way, Daisy Lane. This building was later converted into a games room. In 1961, the property was transferred to the first of a series of new owners who undertook alterations and additions to the interior of the place. In 2006, the property was transferred to a new owner who restored the place to its original finishes. Since its construction the place has been noted as a social hub and landmark. Particular during its period of ownership by the Perrons there were many parties and events held on the premises


High / High




Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Apperly, R. Irving, R. Reynolds, P. "A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture" Angus and Robertson NSW 1989
Molyneux, I. "Looking Around Perth: A Guide to the Architecture of Perth & Surrounding Towns" Royal Institute of Architects 1981

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Two storey residence
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Two storey residence

Architectural Styles

Inter-War Functionalist

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

07 Jan 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

18 Nov 2020


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