Mullewa Railway Station Group


City of Greater Geraldton

Place Number



40 Maitland Rd Mullewa

Location Details

includes Goods Sheds & yards, water tank & columns

Local Government

Greater Geraldton



Construction Date

Constructed from 1915

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 15 Dec 2015
State Register Registered 31 Mar 2006 HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument, HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Statewide Lge Timber Str Survey Completed 11 Dec 1998
Municipal Inventory Adopted 24 Jun 2014 Category 1

Child Places

  • 25458 Railway Goods Shed
  • 25459 Railway Water Tank & Column

Statement of Significance

The Mullewa Railway Station has high historic value for the important role it played in facilitating growth of the town and district. Further the place illustrates the development of the Northern Railway, particularly the railway centre at Mullewa. The remaining buildings and structures of the Rail Precinct provide evidence of the once substantial railway station complex and, given they are located on high ground, provides for a significant visual landmark. The station building is a good example of railway architecture of the period and forms an integral part of the railway precinct which includes the Goods Shed, the Water Column and the Water Tank. The place is held in high esteem by the local community and continues to fulfill an important social purpose today.

Physical Description

Located on the southern edge of the townsite and on the south side of the railway line, the Mullewa Railway Station is a timber framed building clad with weatherboards sited immediately adjacent to the platform which extends approximately 30 metres to the east and west. The long rectangular station building has a low pitch gable roof which extends over the platform on the north side of the building. There is a cantilevered awning to the west elevation. Most windows are timber double hung sashes. Refer to the HCWA Register Assessment for a full description, including interiors.


In December 1892, tenders were called for the construction of the Geraldton to Mullewa railway and by late August 1894, the railway line had reached its terminus, with the first train arriving in Mullewa on 12 November 1894. The original railway station, constructed in 1894, was located on the north side of the railway tracks, immediately adjoining Gray Street. In addition other railway buildings and structures were erected in the near vicinity, including a station master's residence, goods shed and sidings. While Mullewa remained the head of the line the town flourished with a burgeoning population, however in December 1895, the contract for the construction of the railway from Mullewa to Cue was awarded with work commencing promptly. This had an immediate impact on Mullewawith teamsters and their families relocating to the head of the line, followed in turn by shop keepers and others. More activity on the railway occurred in 1912 with the extension of the Wongan Hills line to Mullewa opening in March 1915. The new line required an additional area of land for railway purposes, with further houses erectd to accommodate railway workers during this period. The works also included the original railway station being relocated to the south side of the tracks to better serve trains coming in from the south. The layout of the station building was similar to the standard plans that were common in this period, and comprised the station master's office, refreshment rooms, ladies' hall, booking office and parcels' room. In June 1957, Reserve 24735 was designated for railway purposes. Meanwhile the costs of rail transport rose and passenger numbers declined. The Mullewa Railwat Station closed in 1974. The Mullewa-Meekatharra line closed in 1978 and thereafter passenger services declined, with the line to Pindar only used on a seasonal basis for grain transport. As a consequence many of the buildings associated with the railway precinct were either demolished or removed. The Shire of Mullewa leased the railway station building which has since been used as a local Arts and Crafts Centre.


Original Fabric: Largely intact



State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
7024 Images CD No. 28 : assessment images : Jutland Parade Group, Pindar Garage, Presentation Convent, Mullewa Railway Station Group, Rockingham Infant Health Group. C D Rom 2004
11838 Mullewa Railway Station Group Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 2010

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use COMMERCIAL Shop\Retail Store {single}
Original Use Transport\Communications Rail: Railway Station

Architectural Styles


Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard

Historic Themes

General Specific
TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS Rail & light rail transport

Creation Date

05 Dec 1996

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

18 Mar 2021


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.