

City of Bunbury

Place Number



44 William St Bunbury

Location Details

Local Government



South West

Construction Date

Constructed from 1903

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 15 Apr 2003

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 31 Jul 1996 Moderate Significance

Statement of Significance

House, 44 William Street, a single storey weatherboard and iron house has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons: the place is a good example of the Federation Bungalow style of architecture; the place has landmark qualities and contributes significantly to the streetscape and the community's sense of place.

Physical Description

House, 44 William Street is a single storey weatherboard and iron house originally with an asymmetrical facade designed in the Federation Bungalow style of architecture. The walls are timber framed and clad with timber weatherboards. The roof is hipped with a small gable to the front and clad with corrugated iron. The verandah is under a broken back corrugated iron roof supported by square timber posts with decorative timber details and a simple timber frieze. The verandah originally wrapped around the sides of the building but has now been infilled by a garage to one side and a projecting front room to the other. The front facade has a central timber door with side and fanlights flanked on either side by timber framed double hung sash windows. There is a painted and face brick chimney evident and no fence to the front boundary line.


House, 44 William Street was built c 1903. It is believed to have been built for the Jarvis family and was the first house in William Street. No further information could be obtained from the available Bunbury Rate Books on this property.


High degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). High degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining. (These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as good (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Federation Bungalow

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard

Creation Date

14 May 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

07 Nov 2017


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