Blue Spec Mine


Shire of East Pilbara

Place Number



Approx 20km out of Nullagine

Location Details

on the left hand side of the road

Local Government

East Pilbara



Construction Date

Constructed from 1938

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 27 Aug 1999

Statement of Significance

The Blue Spec Mine has historic and social significance. The vascilating fortunes of the mining operations are representative of the fate of a number of small mining operations in the district. It was once a significant employer in the district, and it is rumoured that mining activity may start up again in the near future.

Physical Description

The Blue Spec Mine is set in the foothills about 20 kms in an easterly direction from Nullagine. There is a large amount of modern mining equipment dwarfing the old historical site. On site is an old 10 stamp battery left from the early days. Some of the buildings also date back to the 1930s.


The Blue Spec Mine has had a number of prospectors and miners attempting to make a living from the mine. The founder of the mine in 1898 was Andy Aikman. It is believed the mine was called the Blue Spec after a horse that had won the Melbourne Cup in 1904. Andy Aikman was not successful with the Blue Spec and it was not until the 1930s that it was properly revived. In 1932 John Dodds. with a syndicate behind him, started to mine the Blue Spec despite many locals wondering how he was going to succeed. It took him a number of years of setting up equipment, overcoming carting and water problems and developing a treatment plant. By 1938 the gold production was still costing more than the achievable selling price. However, the intervention of World War II created a catalyst for the Blue Spec Mine. With the onset of war the demand for base metals such as antimony had a world wide demand. The Blue Spec mine had an overabundence but production took many years to set up. The mine continued to produce antimony and gold for some years but the fortunes of the mine kept oscillating with a number of openings and closings, until the late 1960s when it was decided to try again. In 1976 the Blue Spec Mine employed up to 100 men and women but by 1978 had financial difficulties. The mine was closed in May 1978 with all equipment from the mine being auctioned. Today the mine once more stands still with only a caretaker on site. The mine last operated in 1995. Talk of the town in April 1997 was that the drillers were back. The Blue Spec could soon be operational once again.

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use MINING Other
Present Use MINING Other

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Mining {incl. mineral processing}

Creation Date

01 Oct 1999

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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