Government School, Cue


Shire of Cue

Place Number



54 Stewart St Cue

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1896, Constructed from 1904

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List YES 17 Feb 2015
State Register Registered 12 Jul 2002 HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument, HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 28 Nov 1996 1
Classified by the National Trust Classified 02 Mar 1982
Register of the National Estate Permanent 21 Mar 1978

Statement of Significance

Government School, Cue, a single storey painted stone, brick and Colorbond custom orb roof building in the Federation Free style, with timber framed construction minor additions, constructed in three major stages, has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons: it is an integral part of a collection of significant, predominantly stone construction buildings in the important historic town of Cue, and is highly valued by the community, contributing to its sense of place as a key element of the built environment of the town; it has been the centre of schooling in the Cue area since 1896 with the 1898 and 1904/5 classroom additions reflecting the population growth at the time and the need to provide accommodation for more school aged children; in its lush setting, the school and its environs provide a welcome relief in an otherwise dry and sparsely vegetated environment; and, the first stage was designed by Alfred Cox, officer in charge of the Public Works Department in the Murchison goldfields, who designed several other buildings in the historic town of Cue, as well as other Murchison goldfields towns, Geraldton and, later, Perth.

Physical Description

A group of three stone and brick classrooms with corrugated iron roofs. The original classroom is 30’ by 20’. It has 14’ ceilings and excellent ventilation. The second section features the same low pitched roof and strutted eaves detail as the Cue Gaol. The first two rooms were consistent in form, detail and material. The third addition of 1904 was of brick and stone construction and 24’ square. The school building features recessed windows and gable roofs with vents at the top of the gable walls. New roof links are evident, possibly constructed as the school has been expanded. The corrugated iron roofs are painted green.


The school was constructed in three stages. Supervised by A.E. Cox, the first classroom was built by the Templar Bros. In 1896 for 533 pounds 10s. A newspaper of the day states: “The site is one of the best in Cue, and the building, which will provide accommodation for 60 scholars, is excellently designed. The schoolroom will be 30ft x 20ft, and the roof 14ft in the clear, giving abundant ventilation. It will be surrounded by a 10ft verandah...” [Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette, 11/3/1896, p2] A second classroom was added in 1898 to cater for 40 more children. It was designed to a plan drawn up by A.E. Cox, the resident PWD supervisor. The third classroom was built in 1904. The three classrooms, with an added office for the headmaster, still operate as the Cue Primary School. A plaque at the school gate is dedicated to the memory of a former pupil, Helen Helga Wilson (nee Mayne), an Australian author and first historian of the Murchison goldfields who began her schooling at Cue in 1905. She was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 1980 for her contribution to literature.


Integrity: Medium Degree




Name Type Year From Year To
AE Cox Architect 1896 -


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
R Campbell;"Cue Conservation". Appendix A 1989
National Trust Built Environment Committee Assessment
"Day Dawn Gazette".
State Register Place No. 644
"Murchison Times".
Cue Heritage Trail Brochure

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use EDUCATIONAL Primary School
Present Use EDUCATIONAL Primary School

Architectural Styles

Federation Free Style

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall BRICK Common Brick
Wall STONE Other Stone

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Education & science

Creation Date

30 May 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

31 Dec 2016


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