House, Shed & Windmill, Bunbury


City of Bunbury

Place Number



12 Preston St Bunbury, Rathmines

Location Details

Local Government



South West

Construction Date

Constructed from 1883

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 15 Apr 2003

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Does not warrant assessment Current 26 Feb 2016

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 31 Jul 1996 Moderate Significance

Statement of Significance

House, 12 Preston Street, a single storey timber and iron house has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons: the place is a good early example of the Victorian Georgian style of architecture; the place has landmark qualities and contributes significantly to the streetscape and the community's sense of place; and, the windmill is a rare surviving example of an early form of domestic water supply in Bunbury.

Physical Description

House, 12 Preston Street is a single storey timber and iron house constructed in the Victorian Georgian style of Architecture. The walls are timber framed and clad with timber weatherboards. The roof is hipped and clad with corrugated iron. The verandah is under a continuous corrugated iron roof supported by timber posts. The symmetrical front façade has a central front door with timber framed windows. The house is situated at street level. There is a timber fence to the front boundary line. Proliferate foliage makes further description difficult. There is a windmill evident.


House, 12 Preston Street, was one of the original farmhouses in the Rathmines area and is the former home of E. H. Withers. It is located next to St Patrick’s Anglican Church (fmr). The windmill is now one of a few original remaining within the City of Bunbury and is located to the side of the house, most likely in its original position. E H (Ted) Withers was a well known diarist who regularly contributed to the local newspaper under the byline ‘E H W’ or ‘Old Bunbury’. Ted maintained that he was a personal friend of the bushranger Moondyne Joe (Joseph Bolitho Johns) and had met with him on several occasions. Ted died in 1942. Ted Withers had arrived in Western Australia with his brother, Frederick, his parents and cousin on the Dalhousie in January 1864. His father was the Reverend Joseph Withers, who served as chaplain on Dalhousie, which was a convict transport. In February 1896, the family moved to Bunbury where Reverend Withers was the chaplain from 1864 to 1880 and again from 1889 to 1893. The intervening years were spent at Williams. Between 1872 and 1883, Reverend Withers purchased Portion 11 of Location 16. Withers subdivided the land in 1895. The area was called Rathmines after the Withers’ home town in Ireland. House, 12 Preston Street had been built for Ted Withers by this time and was originally a farm house. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it was common for householders to have a windmill in their yard. The windmill converted the energy of wind to rotational motion by means of vanes (called sails). Domestic windmills provided energy to wind pumps to lift water from an underground reservoir. No entries for this place could be found in the available rate books at the Bunbury Local Studies Collection.


Medium-High degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). High degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining. (These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as poor (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use FARMING\PASTORAL Cottage
Original Use FARMING\PASTORAL Shed or Barn

Architectural Styles

Victorian Colonial

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard
Wall TIMBER Slab
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Grazing, pastoralism & dairying

Creation Date

13 May 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

24 Oct 2017


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.