East Bunbury Heritage Area


City of Bunbury

Place Number



Stirling, Charles, Park, Moore, Ednie, Thomas, Braund, Hayes and Albert Bunbury and East Bunbury

Location Details

Stirling, Charles, Park, Moore, Ednie, Thomas, Braund, Hayes and Albert

Other Name(s)

Stirling Street Heritage Precinct (fmr)

Local Government



South West

Construction Date

Constructed from 1875 to 1925

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage Area Adopted 21 Aug 2018
Heritage Area Adopted 18 Feb 2003
Heritage Area Adopted 26 Feb 2008

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 31 Jul 1996 Recommend RHP

Statement of Significance

STATE (a). Precinct which contains areas of high cultural significance illustrating the evolution of settlement with the period 1875 to 1925 particularly well represented. The precinct contains areas of aesthetic characteristics highly valued by the community; cultural landscapes and notable streetscapes, all ensconced in a collection of harmoniously related buildings. Illustrations of several major historic themes of human settlement are evident. The precinct is also important for a range of social, cultural, education and spiritual associations. LOCAL (a) historically the area represents the development of a part of Captain James Stirling’s Leschenault Location 26, resulting from the expansion of residential development to the east of the Bunbury town centre following the relocation of the railway in 1893; (b) the area comprises a high concentration of single houses from the late nineteenth to mid twentieth century that includes a mix of upper, middle and working-class homes together with some individually significant places, including the State Government Infants School (1917), the Residency (1896) and the Red Mill Store and Residence (1897); (c) the area comprises highly intact streetscapes of heritage buildings of similar form and scale that are broadly unified as examples ranging from Federation Queen Anne, to modest timber framed and clad dwellings in the vernacular style typical of railway or wharf workers’ cottages from the early to mid-twentieth century; and (d) the aesthetic character of the area results from the irregular pattern of streets influenced by the alignment of the Blair Street former railway reserve to the west and the Leschenault Inlet to the north. This has led in some locations (e.g. Ednie Street, the northern section of Charles Street and part of Moore Street) to an unusual ‘saw tooth’ arrangement of timber cottages; which is rare, if not unique, in a West Australian residential context.

Physical Description

Stirling Street precinct contains a broad cross-section of dwellings and other buildings from early in the history of settlement, which has the potential to yield information that will contribute to a better understanding of the natural and cultural history of Western Australia. The study also identifies that currently the place contains several vacant sites, other sites of non-conforming use and multiple-dwelling developments which may erode the intention of preserving the heritage character of the area.


The precinct dates from the earliest land grants to Governor Sir James Stirling in 1830 to the later Pensioner Lots of 1 acre which were allocated by Captain Bruce to those Pensioner Guards who volunteered to relieve the post garrisoned by the Bunbury detachment of the 99th Regiment at Australind in 1851. He first housed them in the Barracks until they had built cottages on their own White Rd [now Stirling Street] allotments. The scheme proved sound judgement on the part of Cptn Bruce as, in the middle of 1852 , he could report to the Governor that with a cottage and an acre of land each, the eight Pensioners comprising the outpost were well satisfied thus the scheme was an unqualified success. The Government approved an amount of £15 towards the cost of erecting each Pensioner house. Over time, some land was reclaimed and some became subdivided into more and more housing blocks. Today, the built heritage between the years 1875 to pre WWII is well represented. Many residences are vernacular forms built for families whose main occupation was associated with maritime, lumper or railway activities. Also a number of successful businessmen established their homes in the Stirling Street precinct because of its close proximity to the town and the harbour area.


The fabric which remains from the days of early settlement to pre WWII is of particular note.




Name Type Year From Year To
Molyneux, Ian Architect - -


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Land for sale by James White Southern Times 27.3.1888
Historical Photograph Section: #73 Stirling Street South Western Times 1935
The Veterans:A History of the Enrolled Pensioner Force in WA 1850-1880 Broomhall, F.H 1975
BLSC - Card Index Bunbury Local Studies Collection
Stirling Street Heritage Precinct Study - Draft Conservation and Guidelines Molyneux, Ian 1998
The Lower Preston River Settlement: Chronology of European Exploration and Settlement of the Lower Preston River at Bunbury Molyneux, Ian 1996
Residential blocks for sale at Norwood Park Bunbury Herald 4.6.1897

Place Type

Precinct or Streetscape


Epoch General Specific
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Conjoined residence
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Terrace housing
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Other
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Federation Queen Anne

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall TIMBER Weatherboard
Wall BRICK Common Brick

Historic Themes

General Specific
OUTSIDE INFLUENCES Water, power, major t'port routes
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Environmental awareness
DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY Land allocation & subdivision
OCCUPATIONS Fishing & other maritime industry
OCCUPATIONS Commercial & service industries
PEOPLE Early settlers
PEOPLE Famous & infamous people
OCCUPATIONS Domestic activities
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Cultural activities
OCCUPATIONS Rural industry & market gardening
PEOPLE Local heroes & battlers

Creation Date

22 Oct 2021

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

22 Oct 2021


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