Laverton School (fmr)


Shire of Laverton

Place Number



Gladiator St Laverton

Location Details

Street name does not exist in street directory 8/1/04

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1906

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 01 Feb 2000 Category 2

Statement of Significance

The continued use of hte place, first as a school and later as a hall, illustrates the importance of the place as a community facility.

Physical Description

The building is raised on stumps and has a small medium-pitched gabled roof that featured a tall, slender, corbelled brick chimney (top portion missing). The roof ridge features metal vents. The front verandah is protected by a lean-to roof, cgi clad. Metal louvered screens give further protection to the front facade (west elevation). Sections of the screen have eben repalced by cgi. Brick walls thay form the chimney flue are evident on the south-west corner of the building. The verandah on the north-west corner of the building has been enclosed and now forms the entrance to the building. New aluminium sliding window frames have been installed tot he front and rear elevations.


By 1900, there were enough children in Laverton to warrant a school. Unfortunately, the number was too small for the Education Department to justify the establishment of a state school. As a result, the Wesleyan minister Rev SR Rooney opened the first school in his own camp on 14th May 1900 for approximately 14 children (Laverton Mercury 28/04/1900). The Laverton State School was officially opened in the Wesley Church on 15th April 1901, with Mr mark Graham as head teacher (State Records Office, AN 4517, Acc 1653, No 1155/00). The school closed the following month, due to poor attendance (GG 16/06/1901, p 2,515). However it reopened in October with Mr Patrick Brennan as head teacher and with 22 students (Education Dept Annual Report, 1901, p 23). It was a half-time school though in 1902 it became a provisional full-time school until 1903 when it was downgraded to a half-time school again, this time with Burtvile (Education Dept Annual Report, 1902-1903, p 15). In 1905, the Laverton School was granted full-time status again. During this time, the community was petitioning the Education Department to erect a school building (Laverton Mercury 11/01/1901, p 2). Their demands were granted in 1906 when Mr Alfred Eade was commissioned to build an iron and wood one-room school for 456/11/11 pounds (GG 09/02/1906, p 452). It was completed on 24th may 1906 and two years later the teacher's quarters were also built (State Records Office, AN 45/17, Acc 1653, No 5099/07). In 1916, a pavillion clasroom was added for 270 poundsand also used as a junior school but it was later sold to another school when the students numbers dropped (GG 17/03/1916, p 454). Over the decades, numerous alterations and additions were made to the school, but most importantly was the addition of a verandah on the northern side of the school for 51 pounds (State Records Office, AN 55/77, Ac 1653, No. 1907/29). During the 1950's, the small school room became overcrowded with two teachers in one room. This led to the junior class being located at first in the neighbouring RSL Hall and later in the Courthouse, which was being used only sporadically for legal matters (State Records Office, AN 24, Cons 3896, No 2012/52). In 1974, when the town layout was being redesigned by Western Mining Corporation and the State and Local Government, a new primary school, junior high school and kindergarten were built at a cost of over $0.5 million. The original school building is now being used by the Roman Catholic Church as a hall.


Integrity: Moderate Degree Authenticity: Moderate degree




Name Type Year From Year To
Public Works Dept Architect 1906 -


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
AN 55/77, Ac 1653, No. 1907/29 State Records Office
Education Dept; "Annual Report", p 15 1902-1903
AN 45/17, Acc 1653, No 5099/07 State records Office.
AN 24, Cons 3896, No 2012/52 State Records Office
"Government Gazette", p 454 17/03/1916
AN 4517, Acc 1653, No 1155/00 State Records Office
Education Dept; "Annual Report", p 23 1901
"Laverton Mercury". 28/04/1900
"Government Gazette", p 452 09/02/1906
"Laverton Mercury", p 2 11/01/1901
"Government Gazette", p 2,515 16/06/1901

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RELIGIOUS Church Hall
Original Use EDUCATIONAL Combined School

Creation Date

30 May 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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