Northampton Cafe/Fruit & Veg


Shire of Northampton

Place Number



37 Hampton Rd Northampton

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - To be assessed Current 13 Jun 2003

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 19 Apr 1996 Category 3

Statement of Significance

The cafe shops in Hampton Rd have high aesthetic and social significance for their contribution to the streetscape and town character of Northampton.

Physical Description

The single storey shops in Hampton Rd have painted stone and rendered brick walls. The end (north and south) walls are painted stone with brick quoining at the corners. There is a decorative parapet with rendered mouldings above a bullnosed verandah. The verandah has been rebuilt in sympathy with the town character in the main street with timber support posts although it appears the verandah was originally attached higher up on the parapet. The shopfronts have been rebuilt with painted brickwork under the windows which would be more sympathetic if rendered. The northern most shopfront appears to be older, possibly original and should be protected accordingly. The southern shopfront has a different configuration but is still quite old. At the rear of the shops there are timber framed, asbestos clad additions which would originally been an attached residence.


Mrs McEwan had a tearooms here in the 1940s. E.S.Pexton and C.M.Mitchell operated the shop as a Hardware. Later, Julie & Des Croasdale converted it to a cafe, fruit and vegetable outlet.


Integrity: Medium Modifications: Verandah rebuilt/shopfronts modified, timber add. at rear Orig'l Fabric: Mostly intact




Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Palassis; "Character Study".
"The Hampton Road Heritage Walk."

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use COMMERCIAL Shopping Complex
Original Use COMMERCIAL Shop\Retail Store {single}

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall STONE Local Stone
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Commercial & service industries

Creation Date

16 Jul 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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