
City of Fremantle

Place Number



38 Carnac St Fremantle

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1896

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List YES 08 Mar 2007

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 18 Sep 2000 Level 3

Statement of Significance

House, 38 Carnac Street, is a typical limestone, brick and iron single storey house dating from 1896. The place has aesthetic value for its contribution to the streetscape and the surrounding area. It is representative of the typical workers' houses in the Fremantle area. The place is an example of the Victorian Georgian style of architecture. This place was identified by the Fremantle Society in 1979/80 as being of cultural heritage significance. (Coded: Brown: "Positively contributing to the built environment")

Physical Description

38 Carnac Street is a single storey, limestone, brick and iron house with an asymmetrical facade designed as a late example of the Victorian Georgian style of architecture. The walls are limestone with brick quoins. The roof is hipped and clad with corrugated iron. The facade has a projecting front room with a gable roof over. There is clear evidence that the window to this projecting room has been altered. There is a front door with fan light and a double hung sash window beneath the verandah. The verandah has a separate corrugated iron roof and is supported by ionic columns on rendered masonry piers with a half height rendered masonry wall between. The edge of the verandah is situated on the front boundary line with concrete steps leading up to the verandah level. The barge boards are missing from the gable end.


Carnac Street is at an elevation from which Carnac Island can be seen, but not the other islands, possibly the reason for the name. Carnac Island was named after Lieut. John Ruett Carnac, of H.M. Frigate Success. This house was formerly 54 South Lane. The numbering changing in 1934/35 to 2 South Lane and changing again in 1956/60 to the current name and number. In 1896, a four roomed cottage was built for the owner William Efford. He was born in England in 1846 and adopted a child, Amy Franklin Rhodes. Efford was the chief Lighthouse Keeper at Arthur Head before his death in 1920. Efford owned several other properties in the area and leased them out to tenants. The first tenant of 38 Carnac Street was John Graham, a cutter. William Efford owned both No. 36 and No. 38 Carnac Street (then No. 54 and 54a South Tce) until at least 1909. The 1908 sewerage plan of the site shows this stone cottage with verandahs at the front and rear of the building. A bathroom is located on the north eastern corner of the building on the rear verandah. In the back yard is a stone closet. In 1920, the property is recorded as being owned and occupied by Grace and Thomas Ponton until 1934/35. In 1940/41 the property was owned and occupied by Frances Nevin and in 1950/51 it was owned and occupied by Giovanni Vitali. He occupied the place until 1956 but in that year the ownership was shared between himself and Leslie Donald Sutherland, a waterside worker. Between 1956 and 1974, the house was owned by Angelo Di Fonzo. Subsequent owners have included John Gela Banzi; Edwin and Jacqueline Baker; Paolino and Maria Gangemi; and Paul Dwyer and Michelle Gratte. In 1966, plans were submitted by the owner Angelo Di Fonzo to enable him to construct a garage on the property at an estimated cost of £150. In 1972 Amalgamated Attorneys P/L were owners; in 1974 John Banzi; also in 1974 Edwin Gordon and Jacqueline Geneviere Baker; in 1975-1985 Paolino and Maria Gangemi (Paolino Gangemi died in December 1985); in 1993 Maria Gangemi and in 1995, Paul Dwyer and Michele Gratte are listed as current owners. This place was identified by the Fremantle Society in 1979/80 as being of cultural heritage significance. (Coded: Brown: "Positively contributing to the built environment") A photograph of the house taken in 1979/81 shows that the house was in relatively good condition. The pillars and half height walls enclosing the verandah do not appear to be original. A cyclone mesh gate was located across the access to the driveway on the north side of the property. A photograph of the place in 1993 shows that the house was still in relatively good condition and the front windows had been replaced by aluminium framed windows. The rear verandah also appears to have been enclosed with asbestos or similar sheeting.


Medium to high degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). Medium degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining but with some alterations. (These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as poor to fair (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Victorian Georgian

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall STONE Limestone
Wall BRICK Face Brick

Historic Themes

General Specific
DEMOGRAPHIC SETTLEMENT & MOBILITY Land allocation & subdivision

Creation Date

20 Jul 2011

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

24 Feb 2020


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