

City of Vincent

Place Number



156 Brisbane St Perth

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1899

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 12 Sep 2006 Category B

Statement of Significance

The house, at 156 Brisbane Street is a fine and representative example of a substantial Federation Arts and Crafts dwelling, constructed by builder Thomas Worsick Firth as his own residence.

Physical Description

The single storey place is of brick construction with a high pitched hipped U roof featuring twin gables. The frontage is symmetrical with a central entry flanked by facetted bay windows with gables above. The gables have roughcast infill with vertical and diagonal timber battening. The roof features tall face brick chimneys with bands of stucco moulds. The verandah across the front has a separate bullnose verandah,set between flank walls, and features a decorative valence with delicate circular fretwork. The verandah posts of paired square fluted columns are set on rendered plinths. The front brick wall features a double horizontal band of render and decorative render beneath the windows. The front door has sidelights and a fanlight. Small setback behind low rendered pillar and palisade fence. Possible c.1940s plinth and column verandah supports


The subject property is located on the northern portion of Brisbane Street between William and Lake Streets. The property formed part of Perth Lot N90 which at the turn of the 20th century was believed to be owned by building contractor Thomas Worsick Firth. The City of Perth Building Licence Cards indicated that four building licences were issued to Thomas W Firth in the first decade of the 20th century for development in Perth Town Lot N90. The first was in 1902, two in 1903 and one in 1911. As all original plans are missing it is difficult to ascertain with certainty which of the licences relate to the construction of the building. The Wises Post Office Directories indicate that prior to the construction of the subject place Thomas Firth resided along Myrtle Street from the mid 1890s until 1903, in close walking distance from the subject dwelling. In 1904 Thomas Firth is first listed at residing along Brisbane Street, when at the time the subject property was number 68. By 1905 was numbered 72 and by 1910 numbered 106. In 1918 the dwelling becomes known as No. 156 Brisbane Street. Thomas Firth, contractor is listed at residing at the place until 1926 when Mrs Eliza Firth is listed as the resident. This is the last year that the Firth family are listed as being associated with the subject dwelling. The following year Mrs Eliza Firth is listed as occupying No. 388 Charles Street, North Perth. From 1929 within the business section of Wises Post Office Directories a Firth Bros building contractors of No. 11 Ruth Street, Perth essentially to the rear of No. 156 Brisbane Street. It can be assumed that this is perhaps the sons of Mr Thomas Firth who followed their father to also become building contractors. During the 1930s the Wises Post Office Directories list Mrs Mary Haggerty (1930), Mrs Ellen Pidgeon (1935) and Ern Mercer (1939) as residing at No. 156 Brisbane Street. Throughout the most part of the 1940 Mrs Letitia Davies is listed as residing at the subject dwelling.


High degree

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Federation Arts and Crafts

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Other RENDER Roughcast
Wall BRICK Face Brick
Other TIMBER Other Timber

Creation Date

15 Aug 2007

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

02 Jan 2018


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