
City of Fremantle

Place Number



157 Hampton Rd South Fremantle

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1903

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
(no listings)

Statement of Significance

House, 157 Hampton Road, is a single storey brick and iron house dating from 1903. The place has aesthetic value for its contribution to the streetscape and the surrounding area. It is representative of the typical building stock located within the residential areas of Fremantle. It is historically significant as a representation of typical workers' houses in the Fremantle area. The place is an example of the Victorian Georgian style of architecture.

Physical Description

House, 157 Hampton Road is a single storey brick and zincalume house designed as an example of the Victorian Georgian style of architecture. The walls are painted rendered brick. The roof is hipped and clad with replacement zincalume. The façade is symmetrical with a central front door flanked on either side by timber framed casement windows. The verandah has a dropped zincalume bullnose roof supported by steel poles (not original). A face brick addition is evident at the rear, with a skillion roof. There is a limestone and steel picket wall to the front boundary line with a central gate.


The street derives its name from John Stephen Hampton, the Governor from 1862-68, previously Comptroller of Convicts in Tasmania. His son, G. E. Hampton, was Acting Comptroller-General of the Fremantle Convict Establishment. In 1896, Pt 6D of Lot 15 of CSL7 was a vacant lot owned by Samuel Efford. Ownership changed in 1901/02 from Efford to George R Brown and again in 1902/03 to William Kennedy. At this time a cottage was built and occupied by Thomas Williamson, a carrier. The cottage remained in the Kennedy family until at least 1916, ownership having passed to Minnie Kennedy. In 1904/05 the cottage was given the address 285 Hampton Road and the tenant was Patrick Kennedy. Between 1905/06 and 1909 no tenant was recorded in the Fremantle rate books. In the 1921/22 rate period ownership changed from Frederick Samuel Fisher to Sarah Macauley and the tenant changed from Fisher to Samuel E Macauley. Sarah would own the cottage until 1940. In 1929/30 the tenant changed from Samuel to T


High degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability). High degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining. (These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as good (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Victorian Georgian

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall BRICK Rendered Brick
Roof METAL Zincalume

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

08 Aug 2010

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

11 Feb 2020


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