Local Government
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
RHP - Does not warrant assessment | Current | 25 Oct 2019 |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | |
Category | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 31 Jul 1996 | 5 |
The place is significant on the following grounds: Social value: The railway has helped establish Brookton as a important local rail centre and has played an important part in the town's economy.
The route of the line runs through several private farm paddocks.
The route of the line includes a junction at Brookton, which had over the years created local employment opportunities. The last train on the line ran at night and without ceremony preceeding the line's closure in 1959
Site Only
Historic Site
Epoch | General | Specific |
Present Use | Transport\Communications | Rail: Other |
Original Use | Transport\Communications | Rail: Other |
General | Specific |
TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS | Rail & light rail transport |
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