Local Government
Holland and Forrest Streets Fremantle
This area is bounded by East Street (western boundary), the rear boundary of lots on Forrest Street excluding the East Fremantle Primary School, (northern boundary), Wilkinson Street (eastern boundary), High Street along Frank Gibson Reserve, and Chudleigh Street to the rear boundary of lots on Holland Street (southern boundary).
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
Heritage Area | YES | 08 Mar 2007 | |
Heritage List | YES | 08 Mar 2007 |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | |
Category | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted |
Holland/Forrest Street Heritage Area is significant as an area located to the immediate east of the City of Fremantle with a history of settlement dating back to the mid nineteenth century. The area is significant for: its concentration of mainly modest workers accommodation dating from the gold boom era through to the beginning of WWI; containing an excellent representation of all three phases of government subsidised housing in Western Australia by the State and Commonwealth during the first half of the twentieth century: early 1913/14 WHB housing (pre-WWI), 1920s War Service Homes houses and later 1930s/40s WHB houses (inter-war/pre-WWII); and, its expansion into Beaconsfield in the 1930s and the subsequent working class residential development of these areas.
This area is bounded by East Street (western boundary), the rear boundary of lots on Forrest Street excluding the East Fremantle Primary School, (northern boundary), Wilkinson Street (eastern boundary), High Street along Frank Gibson Reserve, and Chudleigh Street to the rear boundary of lots on Holland Street (southern boundary). Holland and Forrest Streets Heritage Area is comprised predominantly of relatively intact streetscapes of typical workers’ houses. Places include single storey timber framed and weatherboard clad, or limestone and brick and iron clad roof houses dating from the decades of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Subdivision of the land east of Swanbourne Street (East Street) began after 1850, and the allotments were originally at 'farm' proportions. The Plan of the Town of Fremantle (dated approx. 1882) shows a series of lots set out along Marmion, Forrest, Holland and High Streets as far east as Congdon Street (now Chudleigh St). Houses, naturally were built close to the town centre, then spread further east, with the earliest development occurring on Holland Street from the late 1880s. Fremantle Harbour Works Plan from 1898 (PWD 6409) shows some of the earliest development, including Joshua Beisley’s dairy (9 Holland Street). Further along Holland Street (No. 136) from 1899 was a house and nursery established by his son William Joshua Beisley. There were some stone cottages and attached pairs scattered throughout the area west of Wood Street by 1900, and continual blocks of development east of it, such as the twelve houses at 90-112 Holland Street, all built by 1902. The East Fremantle Primary School was developed between 1898 and 1901. The main settlement in this area for residential purposes occurred with the dramatic population increases of the 1890s, due to the influx of immigrants attracted by the discovery of gold. A second surge of development occurred around 1914 when the government built public housing under the Workers’ Home Board (76-88 Holland Street and 31-43 Forrest Street). Another set of government houses were built in the 1930s (77-87 Holland Street). The area east of Wilkinson Street was sparsely developed with small business and industry until the 1950s, when a demand for housing after WWII changed the streetscape. This included several blocks of two storey flats, such as those that were built on the former nursery, and flats along Holland Street in the area near Carrington Street. Since the late 1980s, much of the area has been densely populated by lots being subdivided and new housing and units built.
This place is located within the boundaries of the Holland/Forrest Street heritage area which has been included on the City of Fremantle's Municipal Heritage Inventory. Any proposed development must be carried out in accordance with the heritage conservation policies adopted for the heritage area.
Precinct or Streetscape
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