Local Government
S end of goods loading platform
Constructed from 1903
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
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Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | |
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Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 01 Feb 2000 | Category 3 |
The crane is amemorial to the railway service that once operated in Laverton.
Remnats of the railway service include random rubble stone passenger and goods loading platforms approxiamtely 5m wide x 80 m long. The platforms have a bitumised top surface that is edged with concrete slabs. Remnant railway tracks separate the platforms, The crane sits on the southern end of hte goods loading platform.
At the same time that the railway and the station master's house were built, this five tonne crane was erected at the train station for the loading of heavy material onto trains. Again, it was erected by Joseph Timms, who built the foundations for 15 pounds and charged 10 pounds for the erection of the crane. The ironwork for the structure was supplied to Timms by the State Government (State Records Office, Acc 260/CCE, AN 2621, no 149/03). The crane was handed over to the Shire of Laverton by the Rail Closure Committee in 1958, when 64 miles of railway between Laverton and Malcolm was closed.
Integrity; High Degree Authenticity: High Degree
Ref ID No | Ref Name | Ref Source | Ref Date |
Acc 260/CCE, AN 2621, no 149/03 | State Records Office |
Historic site
Epoch | General | Specific |
Present Use | Transport\Communications | Rail: Other |
Original Use | Transport\Communications | Rail: Other |
General | Specific |
TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATIONS | Rail & light rail transport |
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