Local Government
Great Southern
Reserve 46618, 14239
Great Southern
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
RHP - Does not warrant assessment | Current | 26 Jul 2020 |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | |
Category | ||||
Register of the National Estate | Indicative Place | |||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 28 Jun 2011 | Considerable Significance |
The area is significant for the maintenance of faunal processes as it con- tains undisturbed remnant forest communities of karri (Eucalyptus di- versicolor); karri/marri (Eucalyptus diversicolor/Eucalyptus calophylla); karri/yate (Eucalyptus diversicolor/Eucalyptus cornuta); jarrah (Eu- calyptus marginata); jarrah/blackbutt/bullich (Eucalyptus marginata/ Eucalyptus patens/Eucalyptus megacarpa); jarrah/marri (Eucalyptus marginata/Eucalyptus calophylla); marri (Eucalyptus calophylla); and woodlands of mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), blackbutt (Eucalyp- tus patens) and paperbark (Melaleuca sp.); shrublands and heathlands with vegetation associated with granite outcrops also being prominent. The Reserve provides habitats for >70 documented species of birds (see Mount Hallowell Reserve Management Plan, Shire of Denmark, No- vember 1995) including the red capped parrot, (Purpureicephalus spu- rius) and the red-eared firetail finch (Emblema oculatum). It contains a range of landforms, soils and vegetation communities char- acteristic of the eastern extremity of karri forest occurrence. It consists mainly of virgin (unlogged) forest with little disturbance and all the Re- serve is old growth vegetation. It has extremely high landscape values and visual amenity and has important values for tourism. It an important benchmark area. The Reserve is one of a small number of forested areas managed to exclude all fire i.e. no planned burn (Chris- tensen & Abbott). The Mount Hallowell Reserve includes habitat for a number of endemic fauna species, including: Red Capped Parrot (Purpureicephalus spurius); Red Winged Fairy Wren (Malurus elegans); Peregrine Falcon, (Falco peregrinus); Quokka (Setonix brachyurus); Honey Possum (Tarsipes rostratus); West- ern Brush Wallaby (Macropus irma); Woylie (Bettongia penicillata); Com- mon Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula); Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus); Western Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus concinnus); Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus); Western Quoll or Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii); Brush-tailed Phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa); Yellow- footed Antechinus (Antechinus flavipes); Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes); Water Rat (Hydromys chrysogaster); Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus); Square Nosed Snake (Rhinoplocephalus bicolor); Dugite (Pseudonaja affinis affinis); Black Ti- ger Snake (Notechis ater occidentalis); Marbled Gecko (Phyllodactylus marmora- tus); Smith’s Skink (Egernia napoleonis); Burrowing Skink (Hemiegis peronii peronii) and New Holland Skink (Leiolopisma trilineatum). The Reserve contains known populations of endemic flora species, in- cluding: Eucalyptus cornuta and Dryandra serra. The area is also impor- tant for maintaining forest and woodland processes. The topographic diversity of this area contributes to high aesthetic val- ues and scenic grandeur. The area contains uncommon geomorphic fea- tures of rock outcrops and monadnocks which are significant reasons for abundance and diversity of flora and fauna taxa and habitats. Despite its small size, the Reserve provides wilderness values for many visitors.
Mount Hallowell was named by Dr TB Wilson after Admiral (Sir) Benjamin Hallowell of The Royal Navy. The Mount Hallowell Reserve is located 3.5km NNW of the mouth of Wilson Inlet on the south coast of Western Australia. It consists of an extremely diverse landscape with hills and ridges generally with a 50m to 100m of local relief but rising to >300m at the summit of Mount Hallowell. Granite outcrops on the upper and mid slopes occur as prominent domes and pinnacles. Soils are dominated by Keystone (K) units (after Churchward HM et. al., CSIRO 1988). The area contains a significant diversity of vegetation comprising forests of karri; karri/marri; karri/yate; jarrah; jarrah/blackbutt/ bullich; jarrah/marri; marri; and woodlands of mixed jarrah, blackbutt and paperbark; shrublands and heathlands. Vegetation associated with granite outcrops is also prominent. Most of the area is undisturbed (>96%). A small part on the northern boundary was used for sand extraction in the 1980s. Some timber was selectively extracted from a discrete area on the northern slopes during the 1950s. The Sheila Hill Memorial Walk Trail (which doubles as part of the Perth to Albany Bibbulmun Walk Track) passes through the Reserve. It is bordered to the west and north by grazing farmland, to the south by rural subdivisions and by urban residential to the east. The Reserve has good condition and integrity with the majority carrying very old fire age (>70 years) vegetation.
There is oral history to indicate that a WW2 Voluntary Defence Corps lookout post was situated on the top of Mt Hallowell.
Ref ID No | Ref Name | Ref Source | Ref Date |
Shire of Denmark; "Trails Master Plan". | 1999 | ||
Shire of Denmark; "A Settlement Strategy for Denmark". | 1998 | ||
HM Churchward, WM McArthur, PL Sewell, GA Bartle;"Landforms and Soils of the South Coast and Hinterland, Western Australia, Northcliffe to Manypeaks". | CSIRO Division of Water Resources- Divisional Report | 1988 | |
Shire of Denmark; "A Commissioned status report n 60 Shire managed reserves". | 1999 | ||
Department for Conservation and Land Management; "Walpole (Unpblished Report) Results of Critical Weight Range mammal Survey, Proposed Bibbulmun Track Alignment, Mount Hallowell Shire Reserve Denmark". | 1995 | ||
Shire of Denmark; "Rural Settlement Strategy - Town Planning Scheme Policy No. 29". | 1999 | ||
PES Christianson; "The Karri Forest, it's conservation significance and management". | 1992 | ||
Australian Heritage Commission & Department of Conservation and Land Management; "National Estate Values in the Southern Forest Region of South West WA". | 1992 | ||
Shire of Denmark; "Town Pllanning Scheme No 3- District Zoning Scheme". | 1994 | ||
Department for Conservation and Environment; "Red Book System 2 Report". | |||
Denmark Environmental Centre; "Denmark Greening Plan- A Digital Database f Remnant Vegetation on Private Property and Adjacent Crown Lands and a Strategy for the Conservation of Remnant Vegetation in the Shire of Denmark". | |||
P Christianson & I Abbott; "Impact of fire on Eucalypt forest ecosystem of south Western Australia: a critical review in Australian Forestry". | 1989 | ||
Shire of Denmark; "Mt Hallowell Reserve Management Plan". | 1995 |
Epoch | General | Specific |
Present Use | COMMERCIAL | Other |
Original Use | COMMERCIAL | Other |
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