View Street Houses


City of Vincent

Place Number



View St North Perth

Location Details

MHI notes house numbers as 25, 27, 29, 33

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1905 to 1935

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 21 Nov 2006 Category B

Statement of Significance

The dwellings at Nos. 25, 27, 29 and 33 View Street are a cohesive and fine examples of Federation Bungalows located in what was once the civic hub of the North Perth urban villlage.

Physical Description

This group consists of four Federation Bungalows at Nos. 25,27,29 and 33 View Street. The dwellings are located on a cross street between two important north-south arteries, Fitzgerald and Charles Streets, at the junction with Leake Street, west of the heart of the North Perth retail area at the intersection of Angove and Fitzgerald Street. This group of houses is in close proximity to the former North Perth Fire Station and North Perth Post Office also located on the south of View Street and the North Perth Town Halls located on the northern side of View Street exhibiting elements of what was once the civic heart of North Perth. The dwellings at Nos. 25, 27, 29 & 33 View Street are a notable group of dwellings being constructed to variations of the Federation Bungalow style, in face brick with rendered bands, iron and tiled roofs, simply detailed timber verandahs and elegant door and window joinery. Each has a high level of integrity and together these bungalows form one of the most harmonious groups in the district. Dwellings set back behind high street fences.


View Street and the surrounding area, was part of the residential subdivision in North Perth developed on Swan Locations 647 and 653 by Solomon Hermann and Thomas Whitton Williams in the 1890s. The releases were known variously as the Woodville, Percy, Toorak and Christmas Hill estates. View Street developed as the public facilities area of North Perth with a town hall, post office and fire station, all still insitu, however no longer operated as such. The town hall continues to operate as a community hall, whilst the post office is currently used for office and retail purposes and the fire station as a residence. The residential development in the area expanded to support the civic utilities along View Street of which the bungalows at No. 25, 27, 29 & 33 View Street are an example. The subject dwellings are located on the northern side of View Street between Leake (originally known as John Street) and Permission Street. The first to be constructed in this portion of the street was No. 31 in circa 1902, however is has not been included in this heritage group. Of the four dwellings, numbers 27 and 29 View Street first appear in the Wises Post Office Directories in 1909 with Geoff King at No. 27 and Cuthbert Richardson at No. 29. Geoff King remains at the dwelling for several years until Samuel Quatt, also believed to be the owner resides at the property in the 1920s. From the 1930s until at least 1949 Miss Nellie Lynch resides at No. 27 View Street. Neighbouring at No. 29 Cuthbert Richardson a welding contractor resides at the dwelling until the mid 1920s when Mr Albert Love takes up residence and remains until at least 1949 when the Wises Post Office Directories cease publication. Various alterations and additions are undertaken to the dwellings at Nos. 27 and 29 View Street with a new verandah constructed at No. 29 in 1974 and alterations and additions and a back garage constructed at No. 27 in 1981 and 1982 respectively. The dwelling at No. 33 View Street first appears in the Wises Post Office Directories in 1920 with Baptist Minister Reverend W Smith as the residence. A Building Licence was issued to W Smith in 1919 indicating that the property was constructed at this time. Reverend Smith stays in residency only a couple of years with Mr J B Fogarty, believed also to be the owner occupying the dwelling from 1923 until the mid 1930s when Mrs Mary Fogarty is listed as the occupant. In the 1980s the property is owned by G McGinnis who was issued a Building Licence for alterations and additions and a swimming pool in 1981 and 1982 respectively. The dwelling at No. 25 View Street is believed to have been constructed in 1924. The City of Perth Building Licence cards indicate that William Kerr is the owner at the time of the construction and resides at the dwelling throughout the 1920s and 1930s, until 1937 when Mrs A Casson, J.P is listed as occupying the property. Mrs A. (Susan) Casson established Casson Homes Incorporated in 1922, believed to the first charitable organisations formed for the benefit of psychiatric patients in Australia. The organisation was originally called 'The Mental Hospital After Care and Comforts Fund Association Incorporated', officially changing its name to Casson Homes Incorporated in 1984. Since its inception, Casson Homes has continued to operate under the guidance of a member of the Casson family. Currently the Director, John Casson is the grandson of Susan and the Administrator Nick Casson is the great grandson. Today residential facilities that form Casson Homes are Casson House (Woodville Street, North Perth), St. Rita's Nursing Home (No. 25 View Street), Woodville House (Helena Valley) and independent living houses and annexes. In December 2000 the Town issued conditional planning approval for the aged care facility to be constructed which saw the retention of the existing house and the creation of 5 additional houses and two central courtyards.



Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Single storey residence

Architectural Styles

Federation Bungalow

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof TILE Terracotta Tile
Wall BRICK Face Brick
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall BRICK Rendered Brick

Creation Date

16 Aug 2007

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

03 Jan 2018


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