Weeli Wolli Pool


Shire of East Pilbara

Place Number




Location Details

Local Government

East Pilbara



Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Municipal Inventory Adopted 27 Aug 1999

Statement of Significance

Weeli Wolli is a nautral unblemished environment with aesthetic, historic and scientific heritage values. Though not as spectacular as many other water holes in the Newman region, Weeli Wolli still attracts visitors as it is accessible for most of the year. It is a permanent water supply, whereas some of the other pools are seasonal. The date palms left by the cameleers are some of the few reminders of this era of unique transportation. Camels made an important contribution to traversing the harsh isolated areas of WA in the 1890s until well after the turn of the century. Hardier than donkeys and horses, camels could travel long distances with little water, which made them invaluable in arid regions. Their carers and drivers were often Afghans who planted palms and trees for shade on their return journeys. The camel gave way to motor transport during the 1920s -30s.

Physical Description

Situated on the Weeli Wolli Creek is a series of permanent pools and small waterfalls forming a location known locally as Weeli Wolli. The clear water flows for almost 5kms, providing a haven for fish and bird life. Majestic paperbarks and river gums growing to 30 metres high line the watercourse. Large date palms, a remnant of cameleer days, are scattered amongst the paperbarks. Weeli Wolli is an ideal location for a picnic, with fresh flowing water nearby, pools to relax in on a hot day and plenty of shade. Weeli Wolli can be reached easily by 4WD. The trip takes approximately 1.5 hrs through spectacular scenery. There is no camping allowed at Weeli Wolli.


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
"Shire of East Pilbara Community Director". 1997

Place Type

Historic site


Epoch General Specific
Original Use OTHER Other
Present Use OTHER Other

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Community services & utilities

Creation Date

01 Oct 1999

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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