No. 6 Steam Pumping Station (fmr), Ghooli


Shire of Yilgarn

Place Number



Great Eastern Hwy Ghooli

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1902

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents
Heritage List Adopted 07 Aug 1998
State Register Registered 14 Jun 2021 HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument, HCWebsite.Listing+ListingDocument

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management
Classified by the National Trust Classified 15 Jan 1976
Register of the National Estate Permanent 21 Mar 1978
Municipal Inventory Adopted 16 May 1997 Category A

Statement of Significance

This place has historic, scientific and social significance. The Goldfields Water Scheme, the brain child of CY O'Connor, was a major engineering feat and has been a major contributor to the development of WA. It was, and still is, of prime importance to the State. The Ghooli Pumping Station is in good condition and offeres an opportunity to preserve a memorial to the scheme and the way of life outside the metropolitan area. It is easily accessible from the main highway, so it has tourist potential. The pump station has been entered on the Register of the National Estate, and is also listed on the WA State Register of Heritage Places.

Physical Description

No 6 Pumping Station at Ghooli was one of a chain of pumping stations which made possible the ambitious scheme of transporting water from Mundaring Weir, through a 350 mile pipeline to the Goldfields after 1902. The building is a substantial brick structure still in its original condition: It housed huge boilers which produced steam pressure for the pump engines. It was in use until 1969 when it was superseded by an electric pump. It is a unique example of a goldfields water supply scheme steam pumping station and is easily accessible from the main highway.


Themes: Community Efforts, Services & Utilities


Much of the original fabric is intact.



State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
7356 Conservation plan for Goldfields Water Supply Scheme. Volume II, place I : No. 6 Pumping Station, Ghooli. Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 1999

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use GOVERNMENTAL Pumping Station
Present Use VACANT\UNUSED Vacant\Unused

Architectural Styles

Federation Warehouse

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall BRICK Common Brick

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Community services & utilities

Creation Date

30 May 1989

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

31 Mar 2021


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