Local Government
Great Southern
Frankland River Tingledale
CR 24510 Walpole Nornalup National Park,
Great Southern
Constructed from 1982, Constructed from 1974
Type | Status | Date | Documents | More information |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
RHP - Does not warrant assessment | Current | 30 Jul 2021 |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | More information | |
Category | Description | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 28 Jun 2011 | Exceptional Significance |
Exceptional Significance |
The Sappers Bridge has historic significance as it a good example of army construction using natural materials. It is one of only a few bridges spanning the Frankland River.
The Sappers Bridge has social significance as it is part of a growing environmental movement of bushwalking using the internationally- significant Bibbulmun Track, which traverses the landscape from Kalamunda (near Perth) to Albany.
All timber (jarrah) bridge using large logs with strong steel cables, topped by wooden planks.
Rebuilt by the 22nd Construction Squadron, Royal Army Engineers (Sappers), on behalf of the National Parks Authority of Western Australia, as a construction exercise in October 1982, following flood damage to the original crossing in January 1982. The floods, following a cyclone, led to 125 year ARI (average recurrent interval) level floods in towns like Nannup and Tambellup. The Frankland River, which the Sappers Bridge crosses, was similarly affected by the deluge. The Sappers Bridge, which is one of the few bridges which crosses the Frankland River, is also on the world-renowned Bibbulmun Track, so is regularly used by pedestrian traffic.
Historic site
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