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Mahogany Creek Saw Mills


Heritage Council

Place Number

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O'Connor Rd Mahogany Creek

Location Details

Other Name(s)

E. G. Lacey's Enterprise Saw Mill/ Old Mill
Gill and Company Mill

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

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Category Description
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Parent Place or Precinct

26283 King Jarrah, Sawmills and Sawpit


Mahogany Creek : The district's second saw mill was E.G. Lacey's Enterprise Sawmill. Set up in early 1881, on Old Mill Gully, near what is now O'Connor Road, it employed 20 men who cut 8 dray loads of 7 inch x 1 inch boards per day. In 1882, when the Eastern Railway by-passed the saw mill, Lacey shifted the equipment to Sawyers Valley, and set up the Enterprise Steam Sawmill. In the mid 1890s, Lacey's mills were taken over by Alexander Forrest's Gill and Company, and under manager F.D. Good, they established a new steam saw mill on Bourkes Gully, near what is now Martin Road. In a day, up to 45 men cut 10 loads of sawn timber. Around 1899, production in the mill eased off and it was abandoned in 1900.

Place Type



Epoch General Specific
Original Use FORESTRY Timber Mill
Present Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve

Creation Date

12 Sep 2012

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

14 Nov 2019


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