Local Government
25 Murray St Perth
Cnr Irwin St 25 Murray Street is also the legal address of P14631 FESA House according to Landgate, as they are both situated on the same Lot. However, FESA House is also referred to as 480 Hay St 14/10/11 KF.
Central Fire Station; Perth City Fire Station
Western Australian Fire Brigade Museum
Constructed from 1901 to 1914
Type | Status | Date | Documents | More information |
Heritage List | Adopted | 18 Nov 2008 | City of Perth | |
Heritage List | Adopted | 20 Dec 1985 | City of Perth | |
State Register | Registered | 18 Nov 2008 |
Register Entry Assessment Documentation |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | More information | |
Category | Description | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 13 Mar 2001 | Category 1 |
Category 1 |
City of Perth |
Local Heritage Survey | Completed\Draft | Category 1 |
Category 1 |
City of Perth | |
Local Heritage Survey | Adopted | 28 Mar 2023 | Category 1 |
Category 1 |
City of Perth |
Fire & Rescue Service Heritage Inventory | Adopted | 30 Aug 1997 |
Survey of 20th Ctry Architecture | Completed | 01 Mar 1988 |
Register of the National Estate | Permanent | 21 Mar 1978 |
Classified by the National Trust | Recorded | 01 Dec 1975 |
Perth Draft Inventory 99-01 | YES | 31 Dec 1999 |
The place is well maintained and in good condition
Name | Type | Year From | Year To |
Jack L Ochiltree (additions 1914) | Architect | - | - |
Cavanagh (James) & Cavanagh (Michael) | Architect | - | - |
Library Id | Title | Medium | Year Of Publication |
5889 | Built environment/historic sites : Fire Brigade No. 1 Station. | Report | 1993 |
7964 | No.1 Fire station 25 Murray Street, Perth. | Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} | 2006 |
Individual Building or Group
Epoch | General | Specific |
Present Use | EDUCATIONAL | Museum |
Original Use | GOVERNMENTAL | Fire Station |
Style |
Federation Romanesque |
Type | General | Specific |
Roof | TILE | Terracotta Tile |
Wall | STONE | Limestone |
Wall | BRICK | Common Brick |
General | Specific |
OCCUPATIONS | Commercial & service industries |
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES | Education & science |
OUTSIDE INFLUENCES | Natural disasters |
This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.