Local Government
Great Southern
Parry's Beach Denmark
4km from South Coast Highway
Great Southern
Type | Status | Date | Documents | More information |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
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Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | More information | |
Category | Description | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 28 Jun 2011 | Exceptional Significance |
Exceptional Significance |
Parry Beach has been a mecca to many people over the years for camp- ing and for both amateur and commercial fishing. The beach is famous for salmon fishing and during the season people come to see the large catches of salmon hauled on to the beach. Even in earlier days, before aluminium jet boats, nylon nets and tractors, catches of four tons or more were made. Tourists are encouraged to stay in simple camping grounds heavily shaded by Peppermint trees. The larger fishing village was east of the camping grounds and had a number of fishing shacks, a netshed and two lookouts used by commercial fishermen. Only a hand- ful of these now remain. The compact shacks, included in the fishing lease, were occupied during the salmon and herring season which lasts for approximately six months. Parry Beach also has a fishing and angling clubhouse on the west side of the camping grounds.
Parry Beach can be accessed by a four km drive from the South Coast Highway. The Beach is part of a large bay with native dune vegetation reaching right down to the beach line. Peppermint trees dominate the bush.
Close to the water’s edge is a small cottage reminiscent of the fishing shacks that were used in past times by commercial fishermen during the salmon season. The shack is made from fibreboard with a gabled corrugated iron roof. It is protected from the elements by a ring of dense trees. There is a camping ground with basic amenities inviting tourists to stay under the Peppermint trees.
About 100m away, screened from view, are a collection of other buildings, the remnants of a once larger settlement of fishing shacks. A timber building is the original boatshed, and two other shacks are all that remain of the original settlement which was dismantled sometime over the last decade of the 20th century.
Integrity: Some
Library Id | Title | Medium | Year Of Publication |
Historic Town or district
Epoch | General | Specific |
Original Use | RESIDENTIAL | Single storey residence |
Present Use | RESIDENTIAL | Single storey residence |
Type | General | Specific |
Wall | ASBESTOS | Fibrous Cement, flat |
Roof | METAL | Corrugated Iron |
General | Specific |
OCCUPATIONS | Fishing & other maritime industry |
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