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Apex Lookout, Boulters Heights


City of Bunbury

Place Number

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Withers Cr, top Stirling St Bunbury

Location Details

MI States: Lot 357 Withers Cres BDD 15-1-13

Local Government



South West

Construction Date

Constructed from 1928 to 1958

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 31 Jul 1996 Some Significance

Some Significance

Some Significance

Municipal Inventory Adopted 04 Sep 2001

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

Apex Lookout, Boulter's Heights has cultural heritage significance because:
the place was designed and developed by Alfred H Boulter, a prominent church and civic leade, and is named in his honourr.
taking advantage of a natural elevated feature of the landscape, Boulter's Heights is a long favoured vantage point for photographers and walkers, and was an observationn post during World War II.

Physical Description

Apex Lookout, Boulter Heights is a fenced area enclosing a concrete viewing platform comprising three central round pillars. The plinth on which a directional finder was erected by the Apexians comprises a large, circular and highly functional bronze plate engraved with names of places of interest and compass points to assist in location.


Boulter’s Heights is a popular local and tourist lookout. It is named for Alfred H Boulter, a public spirited resident and businessman, who established a walk to the summit where he built a rotunda in the late 1920s.

During World War II, air and sea observations and spotting exercises were conducted on Boulter’s Heights so that the townspeople could be quickly alerted of threats.

In 1958, the Bunbury Apex Club removed the rotunda. They replaced it with a concrete viewing platform with a plaque giving distances to other parts of the world.

John Deering, Apex Club president, officially handed over the rotunda to the Bunbury Council Mayor, P C Payne in front of Mr Boulter, several councillors, residents and Apex members.

Mr Boulter said that he was disappointed to see the old rotunda go and that Apex were a ‘grand bunch’ and the new rotunda a fitting monument to them and what they did for Bunbury.

Apex member, Trevor Leaver designed, supervised and helped build the rotunda.

The rotunda has 20 tonnes of concrete in its base, each column weighs half a ton and the roof seven and a half tonnes. In all 1,300 man hours were spent on building it.

To commemorate a visit to Bunbury by the Queen Mother in 1966, the Town Council built a 26 metre waterfall on the eastern face of the Heights. The waterfall has now fallen into disuse but the steps being the waterfall are extensively used by locals, visitors and students from the nearby Bunbury High School.

Providing excellent vistas of the town and ocean, Boulters Heights has been a favourite vantage point for photographers over the years.


High degree of integrity (original intent clear, current use compatible, high long term sustainability).
High degree of authenticity with much original fabric remaining.
(These statements based on street survey only).


Condition assessed as good (assessed from streetscape survey only).

Place Type

Urban Open Space


Epoch General Specific
Original Use PARK\RESERVE Park\Reserve

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall CONCRETE Concrete Slab
Other METAL Bronze
Wall CONCRETE Concrete Block
Roof CONCRETE Pre-cast concrete panel

Creation Date

09 Oct 2002

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

10 Nov 2017


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