Local Government
Great Southern
Reschkle Rd Kenmare
Appears to be the same place as P17132 Kenmare School Hall - duplicate entry on MI?
Great Southern
Constructed from 1921
Type | Status | Date | Documents | More information |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Documents |
(no listings) |
Type | Status | Date | Grading/Management | More information | |
Category | Description | ||||
Municipal Inventory | Adopted | 18 Mar 2003 | Category 3 |
Category 3 |
The building is important for its association with social, education and religious activities. It provides an excellent example of architecture of the period and makes a positive contribution to the landscape.
The stone building is set in a timbered reserve at the SE junction of Reschke and Douglas Roads. It has a corrugated iron gable roof, stone chimney on the north wall, two sash windows on the northern and southern walls and doors at the front and rear. Attached to the rear is a lean to. The floor is jarrah (wide) boards.
Generally in excellent condition except windows and doors. About 50 metres to the south
of the hall are the remnants of two tennis courts.
The building was a community project organised by Frank Carter and Oscar Lines, two settlers in the vicinity, both farming properties bordering Robinson Road.
The Minister for Education, HD Colebatch, officially opened the Kenmare Hall in late September 1921. The name 'Kenmare' was given to the hall and district after a ballot
involving four other suggested names.
The stone hall (30' x 20') with a gable roof was built by volunteer labour under the direction of a builder - Bennett-Cunningham, on a portion of 10 acres of land donated by
MH Douglas. One of the first official functions at the Kenmare hall was to celebrate the marriage of Miss Evelyn Carter and Sam Meharry in December 1923.
The Kenmare hall was managed by the Kenmare Hall committee with Henry Douglas as
chairman from 1922-32.
Original Materials: Most
Modifications: Few
Ref ID No | Ref Name | Ref Source | Ref Date |
John Bird; "Round Pool to Woodanilling", p 266 | 1985 | ||
Photos/MAps 3-22, 23 &3/25; Round Pool to Woodanilling | 1985 |
Individual Building or Group
Epoch | General | Specific |
Original Use | SOCIAL\RECREATIONAL | Other |
Type | General | Specific |
Wall | STONE | Other Stone |
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