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House (fmr)


City of Perth

Place Number

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60-60A Havelock Street West Perth

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1898

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Local Heritage Survey Completed\Draft Category 3

Category 3

Some/moderate significance - Contributes to the heritage of the locality.

Statement of Significance

The place has historical and aesthetic significance as a grand, Federation Filigree two storey former residence dating from 1898.
The place is representative of the way of life of the wealthier residents of Perth in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

Physical Description



West Perth developed as suburban residential area in the late 1890s. From its inception it had the characteristics of a quality neighbourhood. Proximity to the city centre and Kings Park (then known as Perth Park), and the elevated location provided healthy site drainage as well as cooling breezes and views over the city and hills. The area had social status associated with addresses in Mount Street and access to the city's piped water system.
The area was subdivided into large residential lots for development and priced accordingly. Less prestigious areas also developed in lower parts of the area and adjacent to the railway. The homes built in West Perth from the early 1900s included prestigious mansions built in prominent locations and smaller working class cottages in the narrower back streets and towards the northern end of the area adjacent to the railway.
60 Havelock Street was built c. 1898, a two storey residence at a prestigious address. Henry Sadler, plumber was the first occupant and lived there until c. 1920. After this the place was operated as a boarding house (1925) and apartments (1930), before becoming a single residence again (1949).
Adjacent No 58 was demolished in 1980 and is now a car park. The rear of the building has an addition (No. 60A).
At 2021, 60 Havelock Street has been converted to offices. Inside it retains many original features such as fireplaces, staircase, cornices and skirtings, timber framed windows, and timber floors.


Integrity - Low
Authenticity - Medium


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Real-estate Ad
Post Office Directories State Library of WA
Metropolitan Water Supply Survey Plans Cons 4156/9 State Records Office of WA
Aerial Photography Landgate

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use RESIDENTIAL Two storey residence
Present Use COMMERCIAL Office or Administration Bldg

Architectural Styles

Federation Queen Anne

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Zincalume
Wall BRICK Face Brick

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Domestic activities

Creation Date

14 Jun 2022

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

14 Jun 2022


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