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Homeric House


City of Perth

Place Number

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442-446 Murray St Perth

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1923

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Does not warrant assessment Current 27 Feb 2004

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Completed\Draft 13 Mar 2001

Local Heritage Survey Completed\Draft Category 2

Category 2

Considerable significance - Very important to the heritage of the locality.

Local Heritage Survey Adopted 28 Mar 2023 Category 2

Category 2

Considerable significance - Very important to the heritage of the locality.

Perth Draft Inventory 99-01 YES 31 Dec 1999

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

The place has historical significance as a purpose-built showroom and assembly warehouse for Adams Motors Ltd in 1923.
It has historical and aesthetic significance for the 1929 remodelling by architects Oldham, Boas and Ednie Brown.
The place has aesthetic significance as an Inter-War Functionalist style commercial building.
It makes a positive contribution to the Murray Street streetscape.
It is as a representative example of a warehouse/showroom that has undergone a change of use.

Physical Description

Three storey commercial building with alterations at ground and first floor levels. Decorative parapets featuring Art-Deco motifs.


Murray Street was established along with St. Georges Terrace and Hay Street as one of the main streets of Perth from the time of colonisation in 1829 when the Perth Town Lots were surveyed and planned out. Until the 1880s the town centre was characterised by the establishment of small cottages, shops and small businesses and was rural in character. The expansion of commerce following the discovery of gold in the 1890s put pressure on land in the centre of Perth with the result that many of the residential buildings located in the inner city were replaced with commercial buildings during this time, and the centre of Perth was substantially rebuilt. From c. 1910 this part of Murray street began to be dominated by car dealerships and associated service industries, which took over from carriage services and stabling/livery businesses. The 1920s in Perth was characterised by economic prosperity and expansion and, this was a period of consolidation with continued commercial development.
In 1923, the ‘Call’ mentioned that Adams Motors Limited were “installing the latest Bowser-kerosene petrol pump in their new premises in Murray Street” which indicates the year of construction. In 1924, the Sunday Times reported that customers were invited to visit the factory to see how trucks and cars were assembled there. In 1929 the building was remodelled by architects Oldham, Boas, and Ednie Brown. Works included an up-to-date showroom direct off the footpath as well as a separate direct entrance at the front for the spare parts department. A new cantilever verandah awning was added, with new windows, and cement work finished in Donnybrook stone. Adams Motors were in this location until 1937. The Metropolitan Water Supply Survey plan (1939) shows that there was an entrance to the rear of the building off Melbourne Street. In 1940, the building was Atkins store. In 1949 when post office directories ceased publication, the building was occupied by Lazarus and Co, wholesale tobacconist and fancy goods.
Photos held at the State Library of WA dated 1982 and 1988 shows that on each side of the building at the top were painted the words ‘Homeric House’, as well as lettering mounted to the front at ground/first floor level. In 1982 there was a small, suspended awning over the eastern entry doorway, and the original street level faced was intact, with six separate window openings. In the 1988 photo, the street front has been modified to three larger windows.
In 2022 part of the ground floor is a convenience store.


Medium level of integrity.
Low level of authenticity.




Name Type Year From Year To
Oldham, Boas and Ednie Brown Architect - -


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Sunday Times p 19 - Trove 29 June 1924
Cons 4156/14 Metropolita Water Supply Survey Plans State Records Office of Western Australia
The West Australian p 8 - Trove 9 February 1929
Draft Municipal Inventory City of Perth 1999
Aerial Photographs Landgate
Post Office Directories State Library of Western Australia
390464PD Photo State Library of Western Australia
Visual Assessment
Call p 7 - Trove 2 November 1923
Sunday Times p 23 - Trove 1 June 1924
311905PD Photo State Library of Western Australia

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use COMMERCIAL Shop\Retail Store {single}
Present Use COMMERCIAL Shop\Retail Store {single}

Architectural Styles

Inter-War Functionalist

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall BRICK Rendered Brick

Creation Date

13 May 2002

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

15 Jul 2024


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.