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Princess Margaret Hospital


City of Subiaco

Place Number

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1 Roberts Rd Subiaco

Location Details

Address includes: 18 Cook St, West Perth; 705 & 707 Murray St, West Perth; Lot 17 Hamilton St, Subiaco.

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1909, Constructed from 1987

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Does not warrant assessment Current 24 Feb 2012

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Survey of Women's Employment AHC Recorded 01 Sep 2002

Heritage Council
Municipal Inventory Adopted 24 Sep 2002 Level 1 State Govt Property

Level 1 State Govt Property

This place is owned by the State Government of Western Australia. Prior to any disposal, long term lease or redevelopment of the place, including demolition, a heritage assessment should be carried out under the Government Heritage Property Disposal Process.

Statement of Significance

Princess Margaret Hospital has historic and social significance as the first and main children's hospital in the State, and has social significance to the community who have used the place for health purposes.

Physical Description

The site bounded by Roberts Road, Thomas Street and Hay Street comprises a group of substantial contemporary hospital buildings. There are two buildings extant on the site which represent the early history of the hospital. These are Godfrey House, the original Resident Medical Officer's Quarters, located on Roberts Road, and the original outpatients building constructed in 1909 located on the corner of Hay and Thomas Streets. Godfrey House is a substantial two storey painted brick and CGI building with timber verandahs. The former outpatients building is a single storey timber framed and weatherboard clad building with a CGI roof.


The concept for a children's hospital began in 1897. Public fundraising was successful at first, then petered out in 1898, despite the fact that the land had been leased. A govt subsidy was forthcoming in 1906, and the foundation stone was laid for the first portion of the Perth Children's Hospital. The initial plan comprised medical and surgical wards, each for 20 patients, an operating theatre, quarters for nurses and administration buildings. Building of the first wing commenced in 1909, opening in June. The second stage of buildings were completed in 1913, including Godfrey House. Other additions include an Outpatient's Block (1921), Nurses' Quarters (1927) and Infants' Ward (1938). The hospital was renamed PMH in 1949. In 1961 the Paediatric Unit was built, followed by new outpatients block and main ward in 1964 and 1969. PMH became a public hospital in 1978. Recent buildings include Patient Services (1983) and Charles Moore (1987) buildings. (Ref: Spillman, Ken, Identity Prized: A History of Subiaco, City of Subiaco, UWA Press, 1985, pp. 160-8; Godfrey House Conservation Plan, Heritage & Conservation Professionals, prepared for CAMS May 2001.)
North Subiaco developed as an area for residential and for the provision of community facilities from the early 1900s. The opening of the railway line established Subiaco as an area within close proximity to Perth for investors and as a place for people to settle. With sales by Real estate release common, land near the railway platform was the first to be sold. North of Subiaco Road was released as 'Subiaco Estate' in 1895 and south of Roberts Road (formally Mueller Road) was released in 1896. People settled along either side of the railway line, as the more affordable prices made the land accessible to workers. Recreational facilities with the Municipal Gardens and Subiaco Oval being established for the local Football and Cricket Club also played an important role in attracting residents to the new area. Subiaco became known as the home of hospitals, and health care for the young became accessible with the first wing of a Children's Hospital at the corner of Thomas Road and Meuller Road (now Princess Margaret Hospital) opening in 1909. (Sources: Wise's Post Office Directory 1900-1930; Real Estate Maps, Battye Library Collection; Spillman, Ken Identity Prized: a history of Subiaco, City of Subiaco, UWA Press, 1985, pp.51-75, 160-169.

State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
8065 A chain of care : a history of the Silver Chain Nursing Association 1905 - 2005. Book 2005
11785 Old Outpatients Building, Princess Margaret Hospital, Subiaco Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 2018

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use HEALTH Hospital
Original Use HEALTH Hospital

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

24 Jul 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.