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Wardering Lake


Shire of Woodanilling

Place Number

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Flagstaff & Douglas Rds Kenmare

Location Details

Local Government



Great Southern

Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 18 Mar 2003 Category 4

Category 4

Significant but not essential to an understanding of the history of the district: photographically recorded prior to any major redevelopment or demolition.

Statement of Significance

The lake is a significant feature of the landscape. It also is connected with early pioneers.

Physical Description

A small circular shaped lake with a surface area of about 100 acres with depths ranging to 1.3
metres. It is part of a chain of lakes which when they overflow discharges water into the ill
defined east branch of the Beaufort River. When inspected in April '99 it was completely dry and
the increasing salt encroachment is evident by the masses of dead timber in the swamp.


The origin of the name is from the Aboriginal word 'Wardong' (raven) A nearby spring carries
the same name. A townsite near the lake was shown on early maps. It was proclaimed a nature
reserve in the 1950's being the first waterfowl sanctuary in the State.

The land west of the railway line between Lime Lake and Round Pool had not been thought
worthy of selection by the WA Land Company agents when they picked the best land for the
company along the railway at the time of its construction in the 1880's. Tom Cornwall, owner of
the Beaufort and Queerearrup Stations, was said to have told the Douglas brothers when they
were working for him in 1895 that no other land in the area apart from Queerearrup and the
Beaufort would ever be taken up as it was too poor. However, the efforts of the pioneers and
subsequent generations has proved this incorrect. Pioneers of the Lakes area were the Douglas
family. Joe Douglas and his five sons all selected land, built homesteads and farmed in the Lakes
country - stretching east from Harry's selection ('Dowlering'), Jim ('Miripin' - Murapin Lake),
George ('Grandfather Swamp' near Queerearrup Lake), Harold ('Kenmare' near hall), Joe ('The
Lakes') and Archie ('Little Kojonolokan' - later 'Adadale'). In addition, their relatives - brothers
Linley, Arch and Rene Thompson; and friend Sammy Roberts were other pioneers in the area.

The first settler near Wardering Lake was Sam Roberts who settled on a selection to the north of
the lake with his homestead close to the gate on Flagstaff Road. To the east of the lake was Billie
Light, who established his renowned vineyard here and to the west and south of Wardering Lake
was MHJ (Harold) Douglas. Harold, one of the younger sons of Joe Douglas arrived at the Lakes
with his father and brother (Jim) in 1900. Harold named his selection 'Kenmare' after their
Victorian farm. Harold helped his parents build a four room house of mud bricks at 'The Lakes'
while developing his property which ran from Wardering Lake to Robinson Road. Harold's
homestead was at the junction of Reschke and Douglas Roads near where the Kenmare Hall was
built (across the road) in 1921. He was an active supporter being Chairman of the Hall
Committee from 1922-1932. Harold farmed his property for half a century and retired to
Woodanilling. The property was then purchased by Roy Lines, a descendant of Oscar Lines, a
commercial grape grower like Harold Douglas. In recent times the property has been sold to Ian
and Brian Curnming of Wagin.


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
5/25,6/1, 6/3 John Bird: "Round Pool to Woodanilling", p100 1985
John Carter - Recollections April 2000

Place Type



Epoch General Specific

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

24 Aug 2004

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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