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Bridge 828 over Hackett Gully, Mundaring Weir Road, Kalamunda


Heritage Council

Place Number

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Location Details

Hacket Gully, Mundaring Wier Road, Kalamunda

Local Government




Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
RHP - Does not warrant assessment Current 27 Jul 2018

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
(no listings)


• The place is a demonstration of the widespread use of timber as a structural material in the early twentieth century.
• The place is associated with the growth of regional infrastructure in the early twentieth century, particularly with the development of the Perth Hills as a recreation area.

Physical Description

Bridge 828 over Hackett Gully, Mundaring Weir Road is a double lane timber, steel and concrete road bridge spanning Hackett Gully east of Kalamunda. The bridge is approximately 6.1 m long, 8.6 m wide and sits approximately 1 m above the gully bed.
The trestle bridge consists of a single span constructed along a north-south axis. The bridge abutments consist of round timber logs laid on top of each other against the soil with cement and masonry wing walls, topped by modern concrete.
The original bridge deck is not visible but is assumed to be timber planks, set onto a series of sawn timber stringers set between the abutments. The outer edges of the span are protected by galvanised steel plates.


The economic policies of the Western Australian government during the 1920s can be described as broadly expansionist, in particular agricultural and pastoral expansion. However, these policies suffered severe contraction due to droughts and the effects of the Great Depression. At the end of the 1920s and into the early 1930s, the government responded in a number of ways, including stimulating the building market and investing in the expansion of industrial development such as the mining industry or capital works projects such as dams, sewerage, clearing and roads. The development of roads became particularly important as families migrated to Perth seeking work, resulting in rapid urbanisation.
The Main Roads Board was established in 1926, taking over some of the responsibilities of the Public Works Department. The board was re-established as the Main Roads Department in 1930. Main Roads became an active part of the state’s response to the economic crisis, providing short-term work for unemployed on a variety of infrastructure projects, even while struggling to cut costs and staff within their own structure. These works included road works and bridgeworks, with a focus on the southwest of the state.
Timber trestle bridges were a common sight since the early days of the Swan River Colony as timber was easily obtainable and fire-resistant. As such the use of concrete for abutments and as a foundation structure was still relatively unknown in the inter-war period.

Place Type

Other Built Type

Creation Date

11 Jul 2018

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

13 Jul 2022


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