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Ardath Hotel


Shire of Bruce Rock

Place Number

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Main St Ardath

Location Details

Local Government

Bruce Rock



Construction Date

Constructed from 1926

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Statewide Hotel Survey Completed 01 Nov 1997

Heritage Council
Municipal Inventory Adopted 11 Sep 1997 Category 2

Category 2

A place of of considerable cultural heritage significance; provide an appropriate level of recognition and protection.

Statement of Significance

The place demonstrates a way of life and associations with generations of Ardath settlers, the war time activitites of the region and travellers. It is a landmark which represents the character and townscape of Ardath.

Physical Description

The two storey brick hotel had a full width verandah across the top floor frontage and a covered colonnade at ground level. The hipped corrugated iron roof has a gable feature central in the facade with double column details. The original face brickwork with rendered string courses is still in evidence. The stables have been retained. The hotel has a balanced frontage with three equal bays flanking a double width central bay with gable pediment above. The balustrades on the upstairs verandah is detailed in fine fretwork timber. The interior fitout is remarkably intact and in good condition. The original bar and timber cabinets, dining room, entry doors. staircase, timber fretwork arches and drawing room mantelpiece are among some of the authentic items which have remained insitu in this authentic place.


In 1925, tenders were called for the hotel building and it was constructed during 1925, with two strikes intervening. First, the bricklayers went on strike and were subsequently sacked and another team employed. Then the carpenters went on strike and the same procedure took place. The building was finally completed and opened in October 1826. Fred W Jacoby was the owner of the hotel and thee first licensee. Jacony later built a hotel in Mundaring using the same plans. The Ardath Hotel was the third hotel within the Bruce Rock District (Bruce Rock & Kwolyin Hotels were both State hotel in 1914). During the 1930's it was very popular with travellers as it was more 'upmarket' than others in the area.
During World War II, the location of an ammunition depot, with 250 personnel in close proximity to Ardath, made the years of 1943, 44 and 45 very busy, as well as the post war years of 1946. Jacoby owned the hotel until c1950, although he only ran it for the first few years and a succession of managers had operated the place since then. Bob Tuia purchased the hotel from Jacoby and the succession of managers continued. In c1979, Alan Wilkinson took over ownership and in the 1980's the health club entrepreneuer Laurie Potter owned the hotel and a number of managers ran the place until Wills purchased the place in 1989.


Integrity: Intact
Authenticity: Very High Degree




Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
JK Ewers;"Bruce Rock, the story of a District". pp 52 Bruce Rock Roads Board 1959
Murray Arnold;"Research notes".
A LOvell;"Bruce Rock, A Revised History". Shire of Bruce Rock 1993

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use COMMERCIAL Hotel, Tavern or Inn
Original Use COMMERCIAL Hotel, Tavern or Inn

Architectural Styles

Federation Filigree

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Roof METAL Corrugated Iron
Wall BRICK Common Brick

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Hospitality industry & tourism

Creation Date

15 Jul 1988

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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