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Gwalla Mine Site


Shire of Northampton

Place Number

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Seventh Av Gwalla

Location Details

southern end of Northampton townsite

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1859

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
Heritage List Adopted 15 May 2020

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 19 Apr 1996

Mining Heritage Study Completed 30 Jun 1999

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

Though not highly significant in its own right, the site has very high historic, social and scientific
significance for Northampton through its associations with Dr Horrocks and the development of the
whole Gwalla townsite area (see ref. 7), as an essential element of the Gwalla Precinct (HCWA 4226),
which includes the Church and Cemetery (HCWA 1902, Registered site), Gwalla Railway Station
(HCWA 9006), Gwalla State School (HCWA 988), and Gwalla Stone Ruins (HCWA 9004).

Physical Description

Very little remains of the mine infrastructure. Some buildings on the site are occupied by the Water Authority who
are pumping from the old mine shafts into storage tanks to supply the town. Some sections of old stone walls
remain. Historical and archaeological work is necessary to identify what remains of original fabric, the layout, uses
and processes that occurred on the site.
Very little remains of the mine infrastructure. Some buildings on the site are occupied by the Water Authority who
are pumping from the old mine shafts into storage tanks to supply the town. Some sections of old stone walls
remain. Historical and archaeological work is necessary to identify what remains of original fabric, the layout, uses
and processes that occurred on the site.
The extant buildings are those of the Water Corporation's occupancy of the site from sometime in the 1960s. The
main shaft is concreted over and has functioned as a water bore for many years. Visible remnants of the mine
appear to be limited to some mullock and the stumps of the main shaft headframe.


The Gwalla Mine was one of the best known of all the copper mines in the district.,Opened in 1859, the mine was
financed by G. Shenton and Joseph Horrocks. Between 1863 & 1869, under the management of R. Hutchinson, the
mine produced 901 tons of ore valued at 16,573 pounds from depths up to 200 ft.
The Gwalla Mine attracted many workers to the 'Mines District', including skilled Cornish miners specifically bought
from the United Kingdom. The settlement that emerged around the mine, together with the Wanerenooka Mine
settlement to the north (Site 42), combined to form the town of Northampton in 1864.
The Gwalla Mine was reopened in 1907 and in the 1980s was used as a water supply by the Water Authority.
See other sites associated with the Gwalla settlement.
1): (1903).. consists of freehold blocks 140, 141, 250, 315, 331, and 359, covering a total of 362 acres. Two
parallel lodes ... several shafts sunk, the deepest being 198 feet upon the underlay. A main vertical shaft was in
progress when the mine was shut down in 1868. ... only worked for a period of about five years, during which time
902 tons of ore, valued at 16, 573 pounds were raised. There were extensive buildings and plant (;Provis: well
equipped with pumping and winding gear) upon this mine, most of which was left when the mine closed down.
3): (1908) I pumped the mine out with a Worthington pump, capable of throwing 7000 gallons per hour, driven by a
12HP vertical boiler
2): (1979).. (28deg21'50"S, 114deg38'20"E) is in Northampton townsite, and is the northern extension (on N side of
the Highway) of the Camp Hill workings two parallel ore bodies striking 035 deg. The E deposit was opened up
to 55m depth .... production recorded in 1863-1868 was about 124 tons copper
4): (1996) Heritage assessment of the Gwalla mine area and townsite for the Shire of Northampton.
5): (1997) Report to the Water Corporation on the buildings. '
6): (1997) Report for the Heritage Council on discussions with the Water Corporation on clearance of the site..

Chronology Entries
1859 Joseph Horrocks opened the Gwalla Mine.
1859 While establishing the Gwalla Mine, Joseph Horrocks organised an appeal to have a raihway line built
from Geraldton to The Mines', as Northampton was then known.
1861 George Shenton, an influential businessman and Wesleyan, invested in the Champion Bay and Mines
district. He gave financial support to many projects including J. L. Horrocks and the Gwalla Copper Mine.
Shenton attracted a strong band of Methodists to the area. '
1869 The Gwalla mine closed and the land was subdivided and used for grazing stock.
1869 Two mounted policeman and an Aboriginal tracker were stationed at the Gwalla Mines.
Source Pages
Policing Our State, Pashley, A. R„ EDUCANT, 2000 ISBN:0-646-39110-0 390
16/03/1959 The Government Water Supply was opened by the Premier, the Hon. A. R. G. Hawke. TS is water was
drawn from the old Gwalla mine. Prior to this townspeople were dependant on rainwater tanks and
private bores.


Integrity: Low
Orig'l Fabric: Mostly removed




Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Considine & Griffiths; "Gwalla Precinct Conservation Plan". Shire of Northampton 2000
Taylor, J; "Old Water Corporation Depot / Gwalla Shaft Mine Lot 2 Seventh Avenue Northampton". Water Corporation.- Unpublished 1997
Gibb Maitland, ; "The Geological Features and Mineral Resources of Northampton: Geological Survey of Western Australia". Bulletin 9 1903
Gibbs, M; "heritage assessment of the Gwalla mine area and townsite". Shire of Northampton.- Unpublished 1996
MacGill, G; "Report" HCWA- Unpublished 1997
Montgomery, A; "Report on the Northampton Mineral Field". Department of Mines, Western Australia 1908
Marston, R.J; "Copper Mineralization in Western Australia, Geological Survey of Western Australia Mineral Resources", Bulletin 13 1979
Gibbs, M; "An Archaeological Survey and Assessment of the Gwalla and Wanerenooka Mine Precincts, Northampton, Western Australia". Shire of Northampton - Unpublished 1994

State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
4485 Gwalla precinct Northampton : conservation plan. Heritage Study {Cons'n Plan} 2000
11569 Landscapes of Redemption: Tracing the path of a Convict Miner in Western Australia Heritage Study {Other} 2010

Place Type

Historic site


Epoch General Specific
Present Use GOVERNMENTAL Pumping Station
Original Use MINING Other

Historic Themes

General Specific
OCCUPATIONS Mining {incl. mineral processing}

Creation Date

11 Dec 1996

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

30 Apr 2021


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.