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State School Site


Shire of Morawa

Place Number

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Prater St Morawa

Location Details

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1925

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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(no listings)

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

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Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 01 Aug 1996

Heritage Council

Statement of Significance

The site has social significance, being continuously used for educational purposes since
Before a school building was erected in Morawa, classes were held in the Town Hall. Ultimately small, one teacher schools were established in all the small towns along the railway line and also at several other localities. In Morawa a small wooden building, typical of the other schools, was ready for the 1926 school year. The first teacher was Miss Amelia (Millie) Constantine from Geraldton, who later marred Mr Dick Seymour of Miling.
Teachers boarded with local families and either walked, rode a bicycle or shared a horse and cart with their students to travel to school. Education was available to a Year 7 standard. Central Morawa School was renamed Merkanooka School in 1929. The High School established on the site in the 1960s.
Buildings have been continuously replaced and are considered to be of no heritage significance. Some older buildings can be found on the Catholic School site (Lot 176 Caulfield Road), which were relocated there in the 1960s, when State School buildings were up-graded during the mining boom.

Physical Description

The site contains primary and secondary school buildings of recent construction. There are two plaques on the site:

1 Brass Plaque, bronze finish, 61cm x 25cm, on the high school building, with the following inscription:
This building was officially opened on the 1st November 1974 by The Hon. Sir Charles Court O.B.E. M.L.A. Premier of Western Australia The Hon. G.C. MacKinnon M.L.C. J.R. Barton B.Sc. Dip Ed. M.A.C
Minister for Education Director General

2 Satin bronze plaque, 28cm x 23cm, on a large wall mural on the east wall of the high school (signed M. Lynndy 1967) with the following inscription:

This plaque Commemorating nature Conservation Day Morawa was unveiled by the Premier of Western Australia The Hon. David Brand M.L.A. 27th October 1967

Sponsored by the W.A. Gould League Education Department.


Not applicable
Buildings have been progressively up-graded

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Present Use EDUCATIONAL Secondary School
Present Use EDUCATIONAL Primary School
Original Use EDUCATIONAL Primary School

Historic Themes

General Specific
SOCIAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES Education & science

Creation Date

19 Dec 1997

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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