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Mount Rice


Shire of Woodanilling

Place Number

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Great Southern Hwy Boyerine

Location Details

Other Name(s)

Becker's Hill

Local Government



Great Southern

Construction Date

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

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Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

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Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

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Category Description
Municipal Inventory Adopted 18 Mar 2003 Category 4

Category 4

Significant but not essential to an understanding of the history of the district: photographically recorded prior to any major redevelopment or demolition.

Statement of Significance

The site is a prominent natural feature of the landscape and is associated with the first
European settlement of the area.
It is also notable as a site for the quarrying of granite to produce blue metal.

Physical Description

A large granite hill about 330 metres in height. The hill is close to the Boyerine Pool and
Bridge and is bounded by the Great Southern Highway, Ashwell and Watson Roads.

On the western side is undulating country known as Spring Plains.


The hill was named Mt Rice by John Septimus Roe in November 1835 on his Great
Southern Expedition with Governor James Stirling.

Three selections were close to the hill - Milo Kealley (a WW1 veteran who settled near
the siding - later owned by Ron Player - now by FE &DJ Carter) from 1919-1950, WA
Todd (a Katanning businessman) who never lived on his property south of Mt Rice and
Laurie Watson to the north. The Watson family came to the Boyerine area in the mid/late
1890's and selected land along the Boyerine Creek. Laurie's farm had considerable
forests of mallet timber and the sale of the bank help finance the farm development until
Laurie and his family left in the early 1940's. The next owner was HD (Mick) Becker
whose son and family currently own the property.

During the late 1960's quarrying of the granite rock to produce blue metal for roads took
place at this site


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
; "John Bird Round Pool to Woodanilling" pp 98, 104, 113, 268, 271, 282 1985

Place Type



Epoch General Specific

Historic Themes

General Specific

Creation Date

05 Oct 2004

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

01 Jan 2017


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