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Treasury Building (fmr)


City of Perth

Place Number

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28 Barrack St Perth

Location Details

Also PART OF 3480 REGISTERED AS PART OF 1973 Alternative Address: 589 Hay Street, Perth

Other Name(s)

Dept of Land Admin Offices - DOLA

Local Government




Construction Date

Constructed from 1874 to 1907

Demolition Year


Statutory Heritage Listings

Type Status Date Documents More information
Heritage List Adopted 20 Dec 1985

Heritage Council Decisions and Deliberations

Type Status Date Documents
(no listings)

Other Heritage Listings and Surveys

Type Status Date Grading/Management More information
Category Description
Register of the National Estate Permanent 21 Mar 1978

Heritage Council
Classified by the National Trust Classified 11 Jun 1973

Heritage Council
Perth Draft Inventory 99-01 YES 31 Dec 1999

Heritage Council
Local Heritage Survey Completed\Draft Category 1

Category 1

Exceptional significance - Essential to the heritage of the locality. Rare or outstanding example.

Municipal Inventory Adopted 13 Mar 2001 Category 1

Category 1

Exceptional significance - Essential to the heritage of the locality. Rare or outstanding example.

Local Heritage Survey Adopted 28 Mar 2023 Category 1

Category 1

Exceptional significance - Essential to the heritage of the locality. Rare or outstanding example.

Statement of Significance

The principal buildings within the Civic Precinct are closely associated with numerous notable persons and events in the history of local and State administration.
The place is associated with the symbolic felling of a tree in 1829 to mark the foundation of the Swan River Colony.
The principal buildings within the precinct, the Town Hall and the Central Government Offices, are fine examples of the aesthetic character of nineteenth century colonial administrative offices.
Within the precinct, the Town Hall is associated with the State's history of convict transportation, and the Central Government Offices with the later period of self-government.

Physical Description

A complex of government offices fronting Cathedral Ave and St. George's Tce constructed between 1874 & 1905. The first two floors of the west and east wings of the treasury building were designed by RR Jewell in the Victorian Georgian Style. The southern wing (GPO) the Lands and Surveys Building and the third floors of the east and west wings of the Treasury were designed by Poole, Grainger and Beasley in the Victorian Second Empire Style. The Titles Office (north wing) designed by Poole in the Federation Free Classical style breaks continuity of the Victorian Second Empire style used throughout the rest of the complex.


The Central Government Offices are a complex of Victorian public buildings erected from 1874 to c 1905. The northern half of the west wing was commenced in 1874, and in 1882 the lower two storeys of the east wing were built. Two sections were designed by the contemporary government architect, R.R Jewell. The section linking these two wings was built from 1887 to 1890 to designs by G T Poole and was at that time used for the General Post Office. The third storey was added in 1896, 1903 and 1905. The north-eastern section of the complex was built in 1896, also under Poole's supervision The present imposing complex is a unified group in the Victorian Second Empire style (except for the north-eastern section which is in a Federation Free Classical style) with mellow brickwork, elaborate stuccoed decoration and projecting pilasters. This group of early civic buildings occupies nearly an entire city block.
The location of Central Government offices was one of the first locations to be developed after the colony was granted Representative Government in 1890. The first buildings to be built were for government use including a barracks and armoury. After this, a post office was established on the site and the Town Hall was constructed between 1867 and 1870. The Treasury building construction started in 1874 with a southern wing added in 1889. The Lands Department building was constructed in 1893 and the Titles office was built in 1897 to accommodate the staff who were surveying land and providing titles for it as a result of the Gold Boom when more land was being developed. All three buildings were designed by George Temple Poole. The buildings were all altered in the early twentieth century to provide more office space for these departments. In the second half of the twentieth century Government departments moved from the building for new buildings and the site was vacant for twenty years. In 2011 works began on the site’s redevelopment for a luxury hotel and Government offices in a new tower, restaurant and retail spaces on the ground floor. These works resulted in the demolition of some of the original parts of the buildings.


Medium integrity.
Medium level of authenticity as the place has been changed internally.




Name Type Year From Year To
George Temple Poole; Hilson Beasley; John Grainger; Richard Roach Jewell Architect - -


Ref ID No Ref Name Ref Source Ref Date
Q 720.9 Architecture in Western Australia Royal Australian Architects 1958
Q 720.994 AUS Historic Public Buildings of Australia, pp 242-247 1971
Q 720.9 OLD Western Heritage, pp 17, 34, 70, 72-74 App Cby Oldham, R. J 1967
720.9941 COW Perth and Suburbs - Buildings Classified and Recorded by the National Trust , pp 13 COW by Cownie, Marie and Stewart recorded by National Trust 1979
Central Government Offices Conservation Plan Building Management Authority For Government Property Office 1994
720.9941 HAR Vanishing Ink HAR by Hare T 1975
Q 720.994 SMI Treasures Of Australia, pp 131 Smith, R and Flower, C 1983
PHD Thesis (UWA) New Architecture of the Gold Boom in W.A. Government Buildings under direction G.T. Poole, pp 171-178 By Van Breman I 1990
720.9941 WES Western Towns and Buildings), pp 113, 138, 139, 200, 203, 218, 270 WES by Pitt Morrison, M and White , J (Ed) 1979
HCWA Assessment, Australian Heritage Council 'The Heritage of Western Australia', p 34 HCWA by Macmillan 1989
Q 720.99411 EMA Portraits of Perth Cedric, Emanuel and Ward, Kirwan 1977
Q 709.941 1988 Essays of Art and Architecture in W.A. , pp 78-79, 80, 81 1998
Q 720.9941 OLD George Temple- Poole, pp 111-118 Oldham, Ray and John 1980

State Heritage Office library entries

Library Id Title Medium Year Of Publication
7811 St George's Cathedral vision & Perth establishment precinct. C D Rom 2005
7378 New performing arts venue : site evaluation report. Report 2004
6981 A visitors' guide to Perth and suburbs : 1949 issue. Book 1949
10012 Old Treasury Buildings Perth: archival record Archival Record 2012
9567 Old Treasury buildings redevelopment, volume 1: part A - schematic design report; part B - drawings; part C - consultant reports. Loose-leaf 2008
3963 Old Treasury Building Property Memorandum Report 1998
10130 Old Treasury Buildings; Postal Hall Roof Curtains archival record. Archival Record 2013
10125 Old Treasury Buildings - archival window schedule Archival Record 2013
9929 A new library and plaza for the City of Perth. Other 0

Place Type

Individual Building or Group


Epoch General Specific
Original Use GOVERNMENTAL Office or Administration Bldg
Present Use VACANT\UNUSED Vacant\Unused

Architectural Styles

Victorian Second Empire
Federation Free Classical
Victorian Georgian

Construction Materials

Type General Specific
Wall BRICK Common Brick

Creation Date

17 Aug 1995

Publish place record online (inHerit):


Last Update

06 May 2024


This information is provided voluntarily as a public service. The information provided is made available in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the information is provided solely on the basis that readers will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.